Dream of Son Being Arrested

MEANING: Dream of son being arrested shows that you are trying to escape a situation or issue instead of confronting it. Everything you want is much closer to you than you think. In the emotional field, there will be many good moments to enjoy. If you manage to say what you haven’t yet told someone in your family you will feel better. A small domestic problem will take up much of the day.

The dream also symbolizes the worries that keep you awake at night, as you strive to ensure your son’s safety and success in life. Your distress in the dream is a reflection of your strong desire to provide the best possible opportunities for your loved one. It is a testament to your selflessness and determination to see your son thrive in his personal and professional endeavors. As you interpret this dream, remember that it is your unconditional love and tireless efforts that will empower your son to conquer any obstacles he may encounter along the way. Continue to guide him with your wisdom and encourage him to make wise choices, knowing that your support is instrumental in his journey.

SOON: Son being arrested in dream symbolises that you are working hard and you are turning to a project that is not only yours. You have had a change of life, perhaps of work, and that has made you rethink many things. Something comes back to you and that makes you renew your dreams and hopes. You now have power to overcome the negative. It’s time for you to choose who you want to share your time with.

FUTURE: Dream of son being arrested suggests that ambition is accentuated and drives you to explore other fields in the field of work or profession. He needs a change in his life, but that change can only be provided by himself. Among your friends and family, there is surely someone who can help you. You will have a craving that you will not know whether to attend or not. The new, the never tried by you will attract you like a magnet.

More about Son Being Arrested

Dream of arrest indicates that you will have to adapt quickly, before the circumstances demand. Someone will make you a good proposal that you will have to evaluate as soon as possible. Your style is perfected and wherever you go you will leave a deep impression. You will have to approach your work from another prism. In this sense, you will handle well something that will happen around you.

Dream of two sons indicates that everything has a reason to be and, good or bad, somehow it benefits you. You have everything in your favor to live moments of fieriness. Your mental power greatly influences physical and emotional health. Your words and comments can have more impact than usual. You contribute to improve the business, so it will be accepted immediately.

Dream of son being arrested contains special messages

ADVICE: Trust the helping hand that will knock on your door. Try not to make value judgments and accept him as he is.

WARNING: Try not to be a harsh judge of yourself and give yourself permission to relax. Don’t play games, that person doesn’t deserve it.

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