Dream of Feet

MEANING: Dream of feet signifies that you need to vocalize your feelings and thoughts. You will be the sauce of a party in which you will take all the looks. Open your mind and let go of all the things that are limiting you right now on the work plane. You have difficulties understanding current issues and problems. You will finally understand, on a deep level, the advice given to you by a good friend a few days ago.

Dreaming about feet also signifies grounding, my dear. Your feet connect you to the earth, providing a sense of stability and security. In this dream, the image of feet suggests that you have a strong connection to your roots and are firmly rooted in your values and beliefs. You have a remarkable ability to stay grounded even in the face of chaos, and this is something to be celebrated. Your amusement in this dream reflects the joy you find in being firmly anchored to what truly matters in life. Embrace this quality and let it guide you as you continue to grow and achieve great things.

SOON: Feet in dream symbolises that you are in good health and it shows in your mood. Your social world is enriched with beings of great inspiration. You can make a serious decision perhaps related to the future of the children or a sale. What happens between you and the person you love and the covenants you make are your own business. Maybe he is in a very different personal moment than you and look for other scenarios.

FUTURE: Dream of feet symbolises that after a complicated stage in the professional, you could have several offers. This time the work will be a source of joy. Fate will surprise you unexpectedly with a job offer you can’t refuse. If you are engaged, you will want to enjoy your partner in an intimate way. Communication will be better if you know how to convey what you really feel.

Dream of feet contains special messages

ADVICE: Always speak the truth and erase past mistakes. Try to state your arguments clearly, without hesitation.

WARNING: Remember that forgiveness does not mean having to retake a relationship that has long since ended. You have to distinguish responsibility from guilt.

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