Dream of Sharing Yam

MEANING: Dream of sharing yam symbolises that you’ve been after someone for a long time who isn’t paying you the attention you deserve. Your somewhat hermetic and reserved character could make you miss a great opportunity today. You are trying to target a specific goal. You are expressing a desire to start new some place […]
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Dream of Roasted Yam

MEANING: Dream of roasted yam means that you need some more quiet time to yourself. You will turn to someone close to you who will respond favorably to that request for help. Your partner, family or friends will feel displaced and will reproach you for your attitude. Don’t let pessimism take over and think with […]
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Dream of Yam Farm

MEANING: Dream of yam farm indicates that love, free yourself from bondage, be happy and keep looking at life with optimism. After a long winter, the arrival of spring fills you with vitality. You need to take some aspect of your life a little bit at a time. Get in shape, exercise and eat properly. […]
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Dream of Red Yam

MEANING: Dream of red yam symbolises that relax and let things flow without getting into anything. You are literally being consumed by your anger. Your friends will facilitate the path towards a peaceful reconciliation with your partner. On the other hand, someone in your family will ask you for advice. You have some unfinished business […]
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Dream of Selling Fried Yam

MEANING: Dream of selling fried yam expresses that make decisions from hope, not from fear. You need to think things through before acting on them. Try not to forget any day of your life what your real priorities are. It’s time to find out what is the real reason why you are not performing at […]
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Dream of Selling Yam

MEANING: Dream of selling yam signifies that consider if you are making more commitments than you can handle. You will get out of it, but not if you use fighting or confrontation. Reflect on the idea of hiring someone expert in feng shui. Go to your own thing in silence and trying not to put […]
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Dream of Holding Yam

MEANING: Dream of holding yam expresses that you will be invited to a party or social event that will get you out of the monotony. You are focusing too much on petty matters. A situation or relationship is unstable. To overcome the tendency, try to turn them around and get something positive out of them. […]
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Dream of Harvesting Big Yams

MEANING: Dream of harvesting big yams means that not getting your way is something you don’t do well. You will receive a somewhat enigmatic call whose message you cannot easily decipher. Read it slowly, assimilating all the content and without rushing for anything. Every moment of your life is important and that’s what you need […]
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Dream of Eating Yam Porridge

MEANING: Dream of eating yam porridge means that the road to happiness is full of stones that you are avoiding very well. You are literally letting others push you around. You are too structured in your thinking. Some negative emotion needs to be expressed and acknowledge. Try not to let success go to your head […]
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Dream of Eating Beans And Yam

MEANING: Dream of eating beans and yam suggests that there is an emotional issue that you are not acknowledging or recognizing. You need to channel your negative thinking into positive energy. Your current love interests are not measuring up to your ex boyfriend/girlfriend. Your work situation could not be better. You may be trying to […]
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