Dream of Your Wife Cheating On You

MEANING: Dream of your wife cheating on you symbolises that even if you have little free time, you can surely take some time off to go for a walk. You have more talent than you think and if you open your eyes wide today you will realize it. You are putting yourself in a dangerous […]
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Dream of Splitting Up With Wife

MEANING: Dream of splitting up with wife expresses that you are reverting back to your old habits and ways. Hidden and envious enemies multiply around your space but no one can harm you. What this meeting will bring to you will make you forget some of the pitfalls in your present. To give the importance […]
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Dream of Fat Wife

MEANING: Dream of fat wife signifies that great changes are coming in your life, but they will not all happen at once. You must reduce your expenses to the maximum, minimizing purchases and avoiding unnecessary luxuries. Accept this challenge, even if it means overexerting yourself. Have a little more patience to get through another not-so-positive […]
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Dream of A Wife Leaving Husband

MEANING: Dream of a wife leaving husband indicates that a small health problem could force you to stay home. Today you will be more vulnerable than usual and everything around you will affect you too. You need to draw out all the details of a situation before you make a decision about it. You will […]
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Dream of Your Wife Having A Baby

MEANING: Dream of your wife having a baby means that you need to look at the bright side of things no matter how bleak things may be at the moment. You are feeling disconnected in some aspect of your life – work, relationship or home life. You are not showing your true self or real […]
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Dream of Fisherman Wife

MEANING: Dream of fisherman wife means that you will be very optimistic and celebrate every small victory as if it were a battle. A friend will challenge your laziness and propose something that will take you out of your comfort zone. The more you stay calm, the better things will go at work today. Make […]
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Dream of Wife Getting Married To Someone Else

MEANING: Dream of wife getting married to someone else means that today you will do your best to relax and take it easy, whatever you do. Conduct a personal relationship review. Today you don’t like shocks and excesses. Someone you trusted might let you down, and for his own benefit. The home and everything related […]
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Dream of Wife Marrying Another Man

MEANING: Dream of wife marrying another man suggests that take care of the pending fringe as soon as possible. Try to make your personal problems less noticeable in the workplace. Today you feel a strong desire for recognition and approval from others. You are hypersensitive or that your senses are heightened. A few days are […]
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Dream of Wife Crying

MEANING: Dream of wife crying suggests that you can’t throw balls out or play the victim. You may be looking for domestic bliss, for peace or for some form of escape. Your goal is good, but you must evaluate the methods you use for it. Having fun and feeling in a pleasant environment will do […]
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