Dream of Wearing A Veil

MEANING: Dream of wearing a veil symbolises that finally you will be able to end a work situation that was producing a lot of stress. You are literally still trying to find yourself and figure out where you want to go in life. Your will can be of iron when you set your mind to […]
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Dream of Wearing A Tuxedo

MEANING: Dream of wearing a tuxedo shows that you will come across someone who will not be entirely kind to you, but that should not affect you. The truth is that it is something that renews you and makes you feel close to yours. You look inside yourself for what really makes you happy, far […]
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Dream of Wearing A Turquoise

MEANING: Dream of wearing a turquoise indicates that say goodbye with gratitude to whatever goes out of your life. Bear in mind that he who perseveres triumphs. Perhaps you need to be more direct about your desires and wishes. There is a friend who will suggest, without even realizing it, the solution to the problem. […]
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Dream of Wearing Shawl

MEANING: Dream of wearing shawl symbolises that if you get a great offer, don’t turn it down, but be very careful before you accept it. You must reveal what it is about and what you can improve. You will find people who will try to dissuade you in your idea, but if you have it […]
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Dream of Wearing Shoes On Fire

MEANING: Dream of wearing shoes on fire expresses that affectively, you will discover that there is someone who has more than appreciation for you. Be thankful in advance for all the abundance that is coming and will continue to come into your life. You will have to give a coherent explanation and not run away. […]
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Dream of Ex Wearing White

MEANING: Dream of ex wearing white indicates that you are leaving out some essential things for you and that is not good. You had started off on a path or journey, but never reached the end. You are holding on to the past and refusing to move onto something productive. You are indifferent to a […]
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Dream of Man Wearing Makeup

MEANING: Dream of man wearing makeup signifies that family issues get a little complicated today and that can make you a little nervous. Don’t let your nerves or inner tension escape with someone in the family who doesn’t deserve it. Now you will have a chance to show them off to people who will appreciate […]
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Dream of Wear Clothes

MEANING: Dream of wear clothes suggests that your beliefs are strong and so should your conviction be when speaking. You don’t have to worry as much about the health of a family member over whom you have no control. You can now continue the project you had started. Nonconformist by nature, you prefer to walk […]
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Dream of Wearing A Ball Gown

MEANING: Dream of wearing a ball gown shows that get off your watchtower and try to see that there are other options. You are on the verge of emotional overload. There is a riddle about a person you would like to find out. Your strength and inner power are doubled. A family member will ask […]
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Dream of Wearing A Beret

MEANING: Dream of wearing a beret indicates that he may just need you to listen to him without judging. You are too easily susceptible to some negative energy around you. You need to repent for some misdeed that you have committed. You are curious to see what might develop in a situation. You feel that […]
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