Dream of Stung By Wasp

MEANING: Dream of stung by wasp shows that your most constructive attitude will play in your favor today in a professional discussion. You have to reserve energy and rest as much as necessary. Before you continue to spend, take stock of what you have left. You may be seeking some guidance in the course of […]
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Dream of Wasp Stuck In Hair

MEANING: Dream of wasp stuck in hair signifies that do not fall into the error of self-pity. Cut some unnecessary expenses and get better organized so you can take on more work. You need to take a long deep breath in between your problems. Don’t say anything for the moment, but act accordingly and don’t […]
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Dream of Killing Wasps

MEANING: Dream of killing wasps suggests that today you will have luck as an ally to get everything you want. Stop regretting over and over what has already happened and you can’t change. You are yearning for greater self-expression and exploration of your emotions. Any kind of change or movement, including travel, will be well […]
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Dream of Yellow Wasp

MEANING: Dream of yellow wasp symbolises that your personality is full of sexuality and charm and this will attract bees like honey. You will prepare it with much love and everything will go smoothly. Don’t always want to go in different directions because you won’t get anywhere. You may not make any more money and […]
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Dream of Pink Wasp

MEANING: Dream of pink wasp expresses that it will be a matter between friends and you can get splashed if you talk too much. You will get a lot out of a teaching, a course or something you are preparing with interest. You are happy and enjoy it, but in some aspects you will notice […]
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Dream of Bitten By Wasp

MEANING: Dream of bitten by wasp symbolises that listen to your inner voice before making a decision that could change your destiny. You feel defenseless, weak and powerless. You need to stop trying to be in the middle of things and stop trying to fix things. You are carrying more weight on your shoulders than […]
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Dream of Queen Wasp

MEANING: Dream of queen wasp indicates that perhaps you feel you are stretched too thin and overburdened by daily responsibilities. Your subconscious is trying to get your attention. Activating you in any way, whether intellectually or physically, will be the best medicine. Try not to hurt a person who will only pretend to give you […]
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Dream of Wasp Sting

MEANING: Dream of wasp sting symbolises that don’t wait any longer to do what you like or what could make you happy. You won’t have much time, but you will look for a gap in your schedule to be with them. It is important that you have a quiet dinner with your partner and tell […]
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