Dream of A Walking In Mud

MEANING: Dream of a walking in mud signifies that you have a different outlook on life and are moving toward a new direction in life. Listen to your inner voice to decide something that is stealing your sleep. There is some unrest or uneasiness within which needs to be addressed and resolved immediately. You are […]
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Dream of A Walking Bird

MEANING: Dream of a walking bird shows that you need not be discouraged by an apparent failure that in reality will not be such. Calm your impulses to change things from the root because you consider them annoying. You may be trying to convey a message to a person within the songs. Don’t get impatient […]
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Dream of Frog Walking

MEANING: Dream of frog walking indicates that your self-confidence will be your best weapon to achieve the desired professional promotion. Thanks to the fact that you didn’t rush, it will be fine. Burning toxins is good for you and dieting even better. Don’t let something you’re excited about become a problem. You need to eliminate […]
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Dream of Lion Walking

MEANING: Dream of lion walking symbolises that don’t take health aches and pains as an excuse to stay home today. Opportunities to be happy will not be lacking if you get out of false loyalties and exclusive deliveries. Don’t miss out on the words a boss or someone in power can say at a meeting […]
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Dream of Rabbit Walking

MEANING: Dream of rabbit walking expresses that you are spending too much energy pleasing others. You will be a little more animated today and you will see things with a more positive and optimistic attitude. You are still trying to figure out your direction in life. Someone is trying to force their opinion or view […]
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Dream of Baby Walking

MEANING: Dream of baby walking symbolises that you need to voice your opinions more loudly. You are looking for some spiritual advice. Your friends will offer you the right help at the right time. Handle with delicacy the feelings of those you love. Sell your ideas better for success. In your dream, dear dreamer, witnessing […]
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Dream of Mother Walking

MEANING: Dream of mother walking signifies that your work situation is somewhat uncertain, but don’t let fear paralyze you. You are not interested, at this time, in having a stable relationship. You can only support him emotionally and that will be enough for him. You are sleeping worse lately and you notice that you are […]
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Dream of Crocodile Walking

MEANING: Dream of crocodile walking signifies that you can also focus on some spiritual aspect, since you will feel comfortable in that field. It would be quite important that you plan your work well for next week. Your sleep is somewhat weak and you can’t get it for seven or eight hours. New opportunities to […]
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Dream of Bull Walking

MEANING: Dream of bull walking suggests that enjoying life is in your hands, but sometimes you fall into defeatism or dissatisfaction. You will be extremely curious, bold and daring. You need to find the power to rectify and care for the issues in your life. You are expressing some anxiety about leaving behind what is […]
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Dream of A Crippled Walking

MEANING: Dream of a crippled walking shows that it will not be if you are open and a little more chatty and show your best image. You must stop the machine and stop forcing. You need some stability and calmness in your life. You need to change what is stopping you from moving forward. You […]
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