Dream of Bladder

MEANING: Dream of bladder indicates that your relationship is going through a good time, but that doesn’t mean you can trust. You have been locking this issue in your subconscious, but it can no longer be ignored. You will discover a new obstacle that was already present in your life but that you had not […]
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Dream of Amulet

MEANING: Dream of amulet expresses that a good friend who is going through a rough patch will ask you for help. It is time to get out there and experience life. You have found your direction in life and are ready to pursue your goals. Avoid at all costs falling into the tedium of routine […]
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Dream of Hooves

MEANING: Dream of hooves signifies that you may even need more space and feel the desire to expand or change your home. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it will be a big deal to her. What you want now is something you can get if you put your mind […]
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Dream of Dogs

MEANING: Dream of dogs indicates that there is something in your life where you are in need of more. You need to look on your inner strength for stimulation instead of relying on outside forces. Your partner will surprise you with something special and you will be very excited. You must show more understanding and […]
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Dream of Limo

MEANING: Dream of limo expresses that there is a part of your job that is going to be more complicated than you first thought. You are thinking of several possibilities to fix a work situation that is stagnant. You will work in a very concentrated way and have results, feeling productive. Your health is not […]
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Dream of Jogging

MEANING: Dream of jogging signifies that a small health problem could force you to stay home. Some situation or relationship is making you feel restricted. You are overly concerned about an unimportant issue in your real life. You need to be more religious or that you need to be more spiritual. You need to be […]
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Dream of Vitamins

MEANING: Dream of vitamins shows that the family will give you endearing moments, you will find yourself tucked in, even if it is the in-laws. You know that sometimes others wear the medals and that sometimes it is difficult to avoid. It’s up to you to set the conditions and rules at this time. But […]
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Dream of Market

MEANING: Dream of market means that he is not at all misguided in his assessments, since he is more objective than you and you must recognize this. He will be very right in his opinions and you should not throw away what he tells you. You need to be more compassionate and sympathetic to her […]
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Dream of Jellyfish

MEANING: Dream of jellyfish symbolises that plan the steps to follow and don’t let anything or anyone stop you. You are feeling emotional and physically drained. You are planning a trip that you sometimes think is too expensive. Don’t take too seriously what a friend says to you today and even more so if it’s […]
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Dream of Celebrity

MEANING: Dream of celebrity means that you need to vocalize your feelings and thoughts. Even if you lose by giving, you will gain by serving and helping the unfortunate or needy. You’ll forget a bad thing from the past that no longer concerns you at all. If you have recently argued with someone in your […]
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