Dream of Hummus

MEANING: Dream of hummus means that soon you will be with all your energy intact and will want to do many things. Today you will have time to think calmly about what you have been proposed. Try not to pile up commitments this weekend and be on the go all the time. Your dreams are […]
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Dream of Ranch

MEANING: Dream of ranch suggests that in the center of your heart is the key to the treasure you have been looking for for years. You’re on the safe side, with enough information not to slip and a cool head. So many social commitments are going to end up making you sick. There is good […]
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Dream of Aroma

MEANING: Dream of aroma signifies that think about which ones you like best and then, without further ado, take them out. You are learning something new about yourself. You may be making unnecessary expenditures that are not contributing anything to your life. Receive praise with humility and gratitude. Someone close to you will try to […]
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Dream of Labour

MEANING: Dream of labour expresses that there are many things in your life that you will see more clearly today if you are able to speak them sincerely. You will wake up with the feeling of wanting to eat the world and go for it. You are being forced to face your feelings. It is […]
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Dream of Artichoke

MEANING: Dream of artichoke expresses that this way you feel more secure, but today chance can disrupt that feeling of power. Stay away from negative energies, dark or sad. You should not take them at face value or misinterpret them. You feel a little more distant from your partner for days and you don’t even […]
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Dream of Kindling

MEANING: Dream of kindling indicates that certain things have not turned out as you expected and you feel somewhat sad and disappointed. Beware of heat, as it is not something that will suit your body too well. You may unprepared in some situation or challenge in your life. You will have to pay close attention […]
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Dream of Cheetahs

MEANING: Dream of cheetahs means that it will be a great day to make any kind of claim or to present ideas or projects. Everything will be very pleasant, in a friendly environment that will also help you to relate socially. Repressed issues may be coming back to haunt you. You are testing yourself or […]
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Dream of Cactuses

MEANING: Dream of cactuses suggests that after a small health bump, you are full. You will have to take patience with work issues that do not convince you. You need to be in control of your destiny. You are a born fighter and are especially gifted for business. Today you will be empathetic and that […]
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Dream of Blushing

MEANING: Dream of blushing symbolises that you won’t feel much like being in social gatherings or in contact with people in general today. Move contacts, sell yourself or what you offer better, you will convince now. Don’t just stand there, act and follow the path that destiny sets out for you. You trust too much […]
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Dream of Hookah

MEANING: Dream of hookah indicates that contain that tendency to bad mood that you can suffer today because of that situation that has touched you. Perhaps there is a habit or behavior that you to stop. You need to nurture yourself and cleanse your emotions. You will share with your friends, have fun and enjoy […]
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