Dream of Diarrhoea

MEANING: Dream of diarrhoea expresses that today is also a good day for you to nourish yourself with all the good things around you. Control excesses and impulses and prevent uncontrolled. It will inevitably come to your mind someone you loved very much and who is no longer in your life. In any case, you […]
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Dream of Thimble

MEANING: Dream of thimble suggests that it is better that you pay attention to everything they tell you and don’t go too far, as you almost always do. There will be a total transformation of your body and your public image. As much as your intention is good, if you keep this way you will […]
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Dream of Antiperspirant

MEANING: Dream of antiperspirant shows that you are depleting your resources, either physically, spiritually or emotionally. Today social networks are going to be very important for you. You will receive an offer for a weekend getaway. It’s a very well designed day for everything related to travel or vacation. Some of them will give you […]
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Dream of Granite

MEANING: Dream of granite shows that you are taking certain measures in order to accomplish something. You may have to spend the day with a relative you usually bump into. You clarify your ideas about a friend who has somehow let you down. You will tend to generosity with your family, friends,. You are trying […]
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Dream of Sparrows

MEANING: Dream of sparrows suggests that you’re going to discover a little lie in someone you trust. Major changes will occur over a short period of time. Now you are breathing easier and happier. Everything related to the couple takes on great importance. Today you won’t feel like going out or having big parties. The […]
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Dream of Pocketbook

MEANING: Dream of pocketbook indicates that be patient and continue to believe that the change you seek is possible. Your humble attitude and your curiosity for the other will help you to make some discoveries. If your mood is positive, you will feel beneficial effects in your body. You will strive to reach the top […]
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Dream of Assisting

MEANING: Dream of assisting suggests that when you want, you know how to be charming and today you must take advantage of your friendly side to achieve harmony. Your health comes first because without it you cannot move on to other matters. Believe it or not, it is fundamental for you, to be happy. You’re […]
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Dream of Teapot

MEANING: Dream of teapot expresses that if you see it necessary, write down some information, you will need it soon. You are usually quite frank and sometimes you make too many enemies unintentionally. Ignore harmful or malicious comments that can affect you too much. You will go to the movies and see a wonderful film […]
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Dream of Toe

MEANING: Dream of toe symbolises that you know how to use your femininity to get your way. You are foolishly wasting your energy and letting opportunities slip away. To go a step further you need to recognize some of your responsibility in a matter that comes from far away. You need to incorporate some aspect […]
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Dream of Depression

MEANING: Dream of depression indicates that reserve space for you on a day that will be busy with various unexpected circumstances. Managing and understanding your own emotions will be a priority today. You know it is important to him and deep down, it doesn’t involve you as much emotionally or morally as you think. You […]
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