Dream of Phobias

MEANING: Dream of phobias suggests that you have to learn to say no or you will end up very bad. It’s time for you to turn the page and allow yourself to enjoy from today. You will feel light and enjoy great serenity. Think that you may be right because sometimes you want to protect […]
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Dream of Paperwork

MEANING: Dream of paperwork symbolises that look for balance when acting and don’t give more color to things than they already have. If you feel that he does not value you professionally, change his mind through your work. Develop more maturity and tolerance towards those who are close to you. Today you will have the […]
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Dream of Mansion

MEANING: Dream of mansion indicates that at work, you begin to get recognition and support from your superiors. Being diplomatic will help you much more than you think and will also avoid problems with your partner. Your subconscious material is threatening to rise to the surface. You will be very inspired for any kind of […]
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Dream of Luggage

MEANING: Dream of luggage signifies that you don’t see clearly a project that you have in your hands and that someone presents to you as excellent. Trust that your decision will be right, and so it will. Use the energy you have now wisely to start something new in your existence. You need to take […]
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Dream of Canopy

MEANING: Dream of canopy expresses that check your mailbox and make sure there is no email to answer. You need to incorporate aspects of the opposite gender into your own character. They are not as important as they once were. Now you will be ready to eat the world in any aspect. You are attempting […]
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Dream of Stepchild

MEANING: Dream of stepchild suggests that he wants something, but he doesn’t know how to ask you. You are trying to get a handle on your emotions. Improving your ability to communicate is something that will be a central point of your activity today. You are being deceptive about some matter. There is a certain […]
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Dream of Sandstorm

MEANING: Dream of sandstorm symbolises that in reality, you hardly understand yourself anymore. Someone is going to be very surprised with that strength and will let you know. Perhaps they are in-depth readings or prepare you for an exam of some kind. It’s time to get organized in all aspects. There will be no lack […]
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Dream of Caul

MEANING: Dream of caul symbolises that you are taking everything too personally. A family event will occupy you all afternoon and part of the night. You will have the chance to have fun with a friend and laugh as you haven’t laughed in a long time. At work, if you argue with a superior, be […]
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Dream of Pants

MEANING: Dream of pants shows that be wary of a new person coming to your job. It is very important for you to know that you are appreciated, that you are valued, that your opinions are taken into account. It is important that you learn that in love there are no exact rules or comparisons. […]
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Dream of Shootout

MEANING: Dream of shootout signifies that if you have a partner, you are in for a surprise. Think that you should not rush or sign any document before having everything very well tied up. Everything related to the family will be your priority. Something from your subconscious is emerging to the surface. Analyze if you […]
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