Dream of Fruits

MEANING: Dream of fruits indicates that it is not about blaming yourself, but about eliminating the negative. Think that he knows you well and that maybe what he has done is for the good of the relationship. You may miss someone far away. Be cautious today about exerting too much control over someone close to […]
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Dream of Patterns

MEANING: Dream of patterns indicates that you will start the year with a lot of hope to finish some project, although it will still take some time. The differences between you and the world around you are broken. You are putting up a facade and hiding your true self. With the arrival of summer you […]
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Dream of Bereavement

MEANING: Dream of bereavement indicates that you are upset at a person, but are not expressing your anger in an appropriate manner. Face reality bravely and you will see that you have nothing to fear. You are shielding yourself from the world. A message or a tweet will bring smiles and encouragement. You must control […]
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Dream of Cellar

MEANING: Dream of cellar shows that you will continue with the tendency towards introversion. Today kindness will be something you should practice with everyone around you. There is someone who may be somewhat envious of your position. You will complain a lot and do nothing to change what does not satisfy you. You yourself will […]
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Dream of Quarrying

MEANING: Dream of quarrying symbolises that you lack initiative to take a position or to take action. Actually, everything will be easier than you thought at first. Sometimes you give too much importance to the reactions of others and that does not benefit you. You are ready to stand up for your beliefs. Call friends, […]
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Dream of Chickenpox

MEANING: Dream of chickenpox indicates that you will need, of course, a little courage, but once you decide you will take a big step. Go about your business and try to do your best. You will wake up from a deep sleep feeling restless and you won’t even know why. You need to take some […]
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Dream of Crap

MEANING: Dream of crap means that that encounter, a little bit wanted and a little bit casual, will put you in tray to know about his life. You’ll be calmer and forget that little taste of yesterday. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you. You may be too tired today to say yes […]
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Dream of Tanning

MEANING: Dream of tanning signifies that you may need to make some extra effort to progress in your work. If you have any recurring or negative thoughts, keep them out of your way. You are conforming too much to the beliefs of others. Don’t wait until tomorrow to be the person you want to be. […]
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Dream of Dynamite

MEANING: Dream of dynamite symbolises that it’s time to act and make your plans a reality. You want to redecorate your home, change the decoration and make it more comfortable. You will beg to be told a secret but it will be in vain. The legal, what has to do with documents and lawyers will […]
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Dream of Controlling

MEANING: Dream of controlling indicates that you haven’t had it all that easy in the last few months. The efforts of the previous days have left you exhausted. Your home, personal life and family come to the fore now. You go up in spirit and do not stay on the dark side of what you […]
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