Dream of Capsicum

MEANING: Dream of capsicum expresses that those moments will be very beneficial for the relationship today, it is. At the time you thought it was best but now you are not so clear. But don’t be cautious and make a credible excuse to keep your independence and your free time. You are moving too fast […]
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Dream of Symphony

MEANING: Dream of symphony expresses that it’s the perfect time to raise an issue that is not yet raised in the family. You will receive a message or a call that will alert you about something that is not going well. You need to go against the masses and the norm. Anything that involves change […]
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Dream of Hepatitis

MEANING: Dream of hepatitis suggests that perhaps you are interfering into situations and things that are none of your business. With your friends today you will be more sociable and communicative than usual. Today you need to face life and take risks. Don’t get angry or argue unnecessarily with someone who will try to get […]
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Dream of Bride

MEANING: Dream of bride suggests that you will experience a tense situation at work due to a misunderstanding with a colleague. Getting out of the routine starts to be urgent right now. You have a tendency to fall into excesses that will force your body. Now it is your turn to work hard, and let […]
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Dream of Sewing

MEANING: Dream of sewing expresses that continue to transform your life and this will bring about a great spiritual transformation as well. You will be very optimistic and celebrate every small victory as if it were a battle. You will not like certain foods in your stomach that may be harmful to your health. You […]
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Dream of Capybara

MEANING: Dream of capybara suggests that give him the benefit of the doubt, because when you get to the bottom of it, the truth will come out. The goal is for you to balance your income and expenses. You are in need of emotional and spiritual healing. You will experience many difficulties in moving ahead. […]
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Dream of Scarves

MEANING: Dream of scarves means that the economy can be a battleground today. You will reject anything that implies any rudeness or rough or unrefined behavior. You will do more in less time since everything positive is accentuated today. You will casually witness a tense situation between two people in your close environment. Don’t listen […]
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Dream of Pedaling

MEANING: Dream of pedaling suggests that the truth is that this will give you a lot of peace of mind. Certain long-standing fears will emerge again at the least expected time. It’s a good time to replenish your energy and look forward with new enthusiasm. You need to be more diplomatic in a situation. Take […]
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Dream of Credits

MEANING: Dream of credits shows that you are trying to take back what you have said. You will not lack energy to face the day to day. Your mistrust of the person you love can drive you away. Today you will receive a curious proposal for your next vacation. You may not be seeing something […]
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Dream of Treasure

MEANING: Dream of treasure indicates that a period of prosperity and leadership at work begins. Let things happen naturally today. Only in time will you discover the meaning and why. You have accomplished what you set out to do. Finally you will be able to forgive someone who did not know how to understand you […]
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