Dream of Ants

MEANING: Dream of ants indicates that you will have to adjust the price of something you want to sell or wait for a new buyer. You’re in for a sentimental adventure that you don’t want to know about. You are going against your instincts or gut feeling. The last few days have been complicated and […]
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Dream of Election

MEANING: Dream of election expresses that today is a day for you to put aside your worries and dedicate yourself to what you like best. It’s good for you to break the routine and walk among strangers. You will enjoy good times and sincere communication and will forget the bad moments. You are looking to […]
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Dream of Excreta

MEANING: Dream of excreta shows that you are experiencing some nervousness or excitement about a situation. Someone is trying to cause you problems and give you stress in your life. Take them openly, without precautions, for they will be beneficial and do you good. You need to learn to trust people again. You receive today […]
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Dream of Keyring

MEANING: Dream of keyring symbolises that don’t exaggerate in front of others, because it’s not a big deal and has a quick solution. You will enjoy with those disciplines that discover new worlds. Don’t be afraid, the changes you are experiencing in your life will be positive. An unpleasant news could crush your day and […]
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Dream of Intestines

MEANING: Dream of intestines shows that you will give them understanding and love and that will make you feel good. If you have a business, you are going to have a complicated day because you have to solve money issues. Improving your nutrition is now a must. Perhaps you have some unfinished business between a […]
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Dream of Armadillo

MEANING: Dream of armadillo shows that you can’t live so tight and think about money all day. Some significant event is preventing you from achieving your goals. Don’t respond aggressively, listen and decide for yourself later. There is something that you are ready to get off your mind. You have resolved your issues with commitment. […]
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Dream of Hosting

MEANING: Dream of hosting shows that there are legal or document issues you need to settle before you take a break. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but it will be a big deal to her. Perhaps you need to express your sensuality more. You are trying to fulfill a void […]
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Dream of Dining

MEANING: Dream of dining expresses that it may not be all the good or rewarding you wanted, but it’s not bad, so relax. Most likely you have had a disappointment of some sort with your partner. Your subconscious trying to focus your attention on an issue/problem. You are refusing to work together with someone on […]
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Dream of Lamp

MEANING: Dream of lamp indicates that a date is waiting for you, don’t be nervous because everything will be fine. You are keeping your subconscious suppressed. A new opportunity in work will arise unexpectedly. You are experiencing some emotional outbursts and anger issues. Sport, nature, relaxation and tranquility will be the protagonists of the day. […]
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Dream of Shaman

MEANING: Dream of shaman means that good management of your money and finances are important at this time. Let that blast of goodness come into your life. You are enjoying your position of power. Caution and calm are the watchwords if you want your spirit not to be altered. Some mental negativity influences your whole […]
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