Dream of Lentils

MEANING: Dream of lentils symbolises that if you are alone, do not look for external qualities because you will not find anyone. You will criticize yourself in both the negative and the positive. It is essential that you face what you don’t like, so that from there you can make positive changes. You are letting […]
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Dream of Motorway

MEANING: Dream of motorway shows that you need to look beyond the superficial and find the truth about yourself and about others. What is really important is what is happening to you right now, take advantage of it. An unexpected labor conflict will give you a certain headache. Don’t think that because, somehow, you hide, […]
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Dream of Rubber

MEANING: Dream of rubber expresses that you will wake up very happy of spirit and in the morning everything will be rolled. You will be very interested in everything new, because you will discover a different world that will surprise you. Those without a partner may be involved in an inconvenient relationship. You will start […]
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Dream of Straw

MEANING: Dream of straw symbolises that some idea or plan did not go as expected. You need to calm down over some situation. If you have a partner or children, get involved. Your personal relationships must be properly cared for and nurtured today. You may be regressing into your childhood where times were simpler. In […]
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Dream of Hatred

MEANING: Dream of hatred suggests that think about it today and understand that what a person close to you will say is only a point of view. A little solitude or a long walk where nothing and nobody bothers you. Gossip and comments will not be lacking around you and you should be careful with […]
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Dream of Eel

MEANING: Dream of eel signifies that communication with your partner is fluid and allows you to be loving and responsive. Others are meddling in your life and interfering with your life path. Today you will have luck as an ally to get everything you want. Activities in groups or with friends will be more frequent […]
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Dream of Confrontation

MEANING: Dream of confrontation expresses that some important fact or truth is being made aware to you through someone. Knowing how to keep a proper rhythm optimally affects your actions. Everything will make you feel melancholic today. You are feeling overburdened or that you are being taken advantage of. Enjoy it all without worrying about […]
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Dream of Wires

MEANING: Dream of wires signifies that you may be overly conscious about your appearance and beauty. Do not be afraid to confront a superior who, at a given time, might abuse his authority. Express, communicate your needs and ask for help when you consider it necessary. Everything that has hindered you is definitely removed from […]
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Dream of Almonds

MEANING: Dream of almonds means that break that destructive pattern and decide to bet on your life now. There is someone who owes you something, probably money or an explanation. After a few days you will see everything from another angle less tremendous. Perhaps someone you have confided a secret or some private aspect of […]
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Dream of Roots

MEANING: Dream of roots suggests that you are feeling invaded, that your space is being crowded into and that you are being suffocated. You should incorporate sport into your daily life. You are still in a good mood and enjoying what is around you. It will also benefit you a lot if you do not […]
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