Dream of Ambulance

MEANING: Dream of ambulance symbolises that use whatever the law or the system can do for your interests. Open your eyes wide, be receptive and let yourself be seduced. An unpleasant matter occupies your thoughts day and night. Your circle of friends can help you have a better image of yourself. You need to take […]
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Dream of Compromise

MEANING: Dream of compromise symbolises that try to get enough rest at night to be rested during the day. Take advantage of this good streak to do everything that in the past you couldn’t. Everything will be fine, even better than you thought. This is difficult for couples to assume on many occasions and can […]
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Dream of Amputation

MEANING: Dream of amputation means that you are looking for a break from your emotional journey. This is something that you had intended and now, at this moment, you are leaving it aside. You should know that there is nothing you can regret. You will be attentive to everything that happens around you, but you […]
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Dream of Waterbending

MEANING: Dream of waterbending suggests that in every corner we can find a soul mate and that can happen to you. You can’t fall apart because something doesn’t go your way. Something in your life is bothering you more than you want to admit. You don’t want to be running around all day. Friends will […]
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Dream of Chariot

MEANING: Dream of chariot shows that you will know how to take advantage of your contacts for later. Those plans you have in mind are going to start taking shape very soon. You must use all your senses to solve it and, if you see it convenient, ask for help. Even if it costs you […]
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Dream of Coyotes

MEANING: Dream of coyotes signifies that you are sticking your nose into other people’s business. You might argue with a co-worker who gets too involved in your business. Sometimes you don’t realize the consequences of some of your actions. Leave behind something you are too attached to. You are experiencing frustrations in your emotional life. […]
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Dream of Unreality

MEANING: Dream of unreality signifies that you are descending into the realm of subconscious. You need to incorporate some attributes into a situation in your daily life. You can get out of the monotony if you don’t wait for someone to take you out of it and act on your own. You are putting the […]
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Dream of Justice

MEANING: Dream of justice suggests that it is not time to think about changing jobs. You are seeking recognition, power, wealth, or fame. It is a power game in which you must measure very well all your actions. Remember that reality can be seen from very different angles. You will have too many tasks on […]
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Dream of Tidying

MEANING: Dream of tidying means that you will reach a goal that you have set for yourself. Caution in all matters relating to money in this journey, for there may be disruptions. Good news in the field of economics is coming. You are worth much more than you think, do not underestimate yourself. If there […]
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Dream of Angels

MEANING: Dream of angels symbolises that your communication will be very good and therefore your social life becomes very fun and interesting. Today it is good for you to talk to that friend of absolute confidence who keeps your secrets and does not judge you. Beware today of someone you are not affectionately interested in […]
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