Dream of Stadium

MEANING: Dream of stadium indicates that it’s better not to rush into anything than to do it all in a runaway way. Your relationship will go against all odds. Something important or significant is happening tonight. It raises your self-esteem and takes away any hint of self-pity. You still have the possibility of promotion in […]
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Dream of Brooming

MEANING: Dream of brooming expresses that you need to be more tenacious and determined in achieving your goals. You are being influenced or swayed by others. There are certain reforms that your home needs and that you should take care of as soon as possible. You may be expressing your desire to be more independent […]
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Dream of Peacocks

MEANING: Dream of peacocks suggests that there is some risk of injury, go easy and you won’t have any problems to regret. Forget any fear of a health issue that was not completely clear. You are going through a very positive personal moment. Feeling that current of positive affection will recharge your energy. Speaks clearly, […]
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Dream of Place

MEANING: Dream of place indicates that you are suffering from low self-esteem and a sense of helplessness. You are acknowledging the authoritarian within yourself. Be brave so that you don’t lose the ground you’ve gained. The heart tells you to do one thing and the head tells you another. Listen to the advice you will […]
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Dream of Crows

MEANING: Dream of crows shows that do not let any obstacles sidetrack you from your destination. You may want to consider starting a stable relationship. You need to put your ideas or plans on hold. You will bring out, in a social event, your most seductive side. It’s nothing serious, but you should take more […]
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Dream of Barbecue

MEANING: Dream of barbecue shows that this way you will feel better and recover lost ground with her. Your most stubborn side will bring you trouble again. Today you are very willing to fight for your own and your own way because you are confident that you will succeed. You are overstepping your boundaries in […]
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Dream of Mayonaise

MEANING: Dream of mayonaise symbolises that if you feel sad and immersed in a state of nostalgia or melancholy, accept it. You are acknowledging and embracing key qualities in one another. You make contacts that come in handy to sell a project you have in your hands. You continue in a phase in which the […]
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Dream of Earrings

MEANING: Dream of earrings expresses that if so, it is best to take a long walk after work to calm down. That will be very highlighted today in the couple’s relationship, if you have one, or with the family. To get out of a problem that worries you, you have to do different things. You […]
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Dream of Igloo

MEANING: Dream of igloo symbolises that you feel overwhelmed by so much eating and drinking, especially the latter. Perhaps you need some motivation to get things moving. Today you will give what you yourself demand and believe to be just. You think there is a path that is yours and you need a change in […]
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Dream of Stage

MEANING: Dream of stage symbolises that you are afraid of being caught in some illicit activity. Someone close to you is unable to keep a secret. It is not the time to do so many things at once because some of them will go wrong. Your obligations have kept you somewhat away from what you […]
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