Dream of Crutches

MEANING: Dream of crutches signifies that if you need money that you share with someone, don’t beat around the bush and claim it. You are not making any progress in life. Take it easy and wait for the proposal to be firm. What apparently will be a coincidence will hide the message you need to […]
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Dream of Barbecuing

MEANING: Dream of barbecuing signifies that if you have suffered any illness this is the beginning of your recovery. Someone will try to boycott a project you are involved in. You don’t have to worry about a project you have in your hands. Today you will have an opportunity to start being a little less […]
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Dream of Bottom

MEANING: Dream of bottom means that protecting yourself is okay, but not to the point where you don’t seem to care about that person. A good friend will leave your life and that will be very painful for you. Someone is not paying enough attention and showing enough affection toward you. That will make the […]
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Dream of Gemstones

MEANING: Dream of gemstones shows that you are lacking power or authority, especially when confronted by others. You are trying to buy others’ favor or affection. Rest will be vital to not lose your good health. At work you will have to wait for the events that are going to happen. There are immediate changes […]
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Dream of Intrusion

MEANING: Dream of intrusion shows that take the initiative, but do not keep insisting to that person who does not want to follow your advice. If you set your mind to it, you will reach very positive conclusions for your future today. Perhaps you are lacking confidence and suffering from low self-esteem. It is important […]
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Dream of Leeches

MEANING: Dream of leeches expresses that a family member you were angry with is slowly coming around again. She will understand you if you are totally sincere. You sense changes in your work environment and that creates uncertainty. You must tell someone about a small problem that has been bothering you for months. You will […]
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Dream of Cost

MEANING: Dream of cost symbolises that you are struggling with keeping your animalistic desires in check. You will have ups and downs throughout the day. You are comfortable with confronting your feelings directly. It is a day for calm, tranquility, and to recover energies lost during the whole week. A good friend will finally get […]
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Dream of Redemption

MEANING: Dream of redemption suggests that be grateful to that person who has done something for you. You will feel liberated from certain ties or tense situations that you have been enduring for a long time. You also pride yourself in your loyalty and generosity. You feel trapped by routine and sometimes you don’t seem […]
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Dream of Road

MEANING: Dream of road indicates that you are losing your credibility and standing with others. You have to ask for help from a friend or acquaintance who knows the subject much more than you do. You are putting up a front instead of being your true self. You have a very ambitious professional goal that […]
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Dream of Gauntlet

MEANING: Dream of gauntlet suggests that your life has become monotonous and repetitious. It is preferable that you do not obsess about finding a partner, because then it will not come. You are generating something new or different. Don’t let your nerves or inner tension escape with someone in the family who doesn’t deserve it. […]
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