Dream of Pills

MEANING: Dream of pills indicates that you will be especially communicative, a circumstance that will be appreciated by your close environment. They propose you a business or a project that is in its beginning or that is very long term. You will settle an outstanding account and feel much freer without debt. Your lack of […]
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Dream of Murals

MEANING: Dream of murals expresses that you should not be afraid to make a commitment decision with your partner. Take into account the help that other people can offer you and everything will be more fun. Even though it seems the opposite, something not so bad awaits you. Your ingenuity and perseverance will help you […]
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Dream of Waistband

MEANING: Dream of waistband shows that you are accepting of different or diverging views. You need one last push to finish several projects. You will start the year with a lot of hope to finish some project, although it will still take some time. Don’t think about the past because you have a lot to […]
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Dream of Meadow

MEANING: Dream of meadow shows that seeks friends or allies of this sign, including partners. You really shouldn’t feel guilty about going your own way in matters of affection. You must give full importance to what your partner tells you. You are experiencing a closer connection to someone. You start a complicated stage in the […]
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Dream of Pilgrimage

MEANING: Dream of pilgrimage means that new studies, investments, purchases or sales, as well as a new love now materializes. You will not lose your smile because your ego will be compensated today. The professional projects that were stopped will have today an important advance. Things in your life may literally be taking shape. Whatever […]
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Dream of Thrones

MEANING: Dream of thrones expresses that you are letting others make decisions for you. Your excess responsibility is taking its toll. You feel the need to purify, modify your habits and take care of yourself both physically and mentally. You will be forced to defend your innocence. The other can’t hurt you with his words […]
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Dream of Choir

MEANING: Dream of choir signifies that you meet someone in your life with whom you feel, from the beginning, that there is no chemistry. Today you can find valuable information to help you make that pending decision. In any case, you will have to assume an unexpected expense that will disrupt this month’s economy. You […]
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Dream of Mealies

MEANING: Dream of mealies signifies that perhaps, you are being overly cautious in your pursuits. Think that maybe you have acted wrong, but if you set your mind to it, you can fix it. Others are enabling your negative habits or behavior. You feel like starting over with someone. You need to start over and […]
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Dream of Chili

MEANING: Dream of chili means that those of your sign have many positive qualities, but you are also somewhat bossy and overbearing. You are not completely prepared to let others see who you really are. This day could be very favorable for your economy if you know how to take advantage of it. You have […]
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Dream of Transformation

MEANING: Dream of transformation signifies that nothing will happen and you will feel better if you rest and regain your strength. Trust your instincts, your inner voice. That other side of your personality is going to mark a lot of your affective emotions in this journey. That will reconcile you with yourself and make you […]
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