Dream of Drumstick

MEANING: Dream of drumstick means that the couple’s financial problems will also directly affect you. Draw back the curtain of ignorance so that you may see the truth. It is not necessary to risk so much to have a good time. There is a riddle about a person you would like to find out. If […]
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Dream of Flask

MEANING: Dream of flask expresses that you don’t have to feel responsible for a somewhat complex issue that is on the table. You have a set path in life and know which direction you want to go. If you don’t get to everything on your own, consider getting some help that will make you feel […]
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Dream of Socializing

MEANING: Dream of socializing symbolises that have hope, for everything is cyclical and the waters will return to their course. You will be very aware of everything that happens around you. You are finally going after what you want in life. You will be especially sensitive to the injustices and pain of others. You will […]
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Dream of Locusts

MEANING: Dream of locusts means that you may feel threatened by a person’s abilities or suspicious of their motivations. You need to clear up some things in your life in order to be able to move forward with your life. Improvisation will be a good ally today. Your professional and family relationships will reach today’s […]
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Dream of Bullfighting

MEANING: Dream of bullfighting indicates that an argument you had with a loved one still resonates inside your head. If there is one facet of your life in which you have not yet lost your mind, it is in your work. It is a good time to make small investments. You have no choice but […]
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Dream of Drawing

MEANING: Dream of drawing symbolises that you are desperate to get a date with that friend you like so much. It is the best time to plan or carry out a well-deserved vacation. Your expenses have been skyrocketing for a few weeks. Today your sentimental world is in the foreground. Yesterday’s memories return and your […]
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Dream of Airline

MEANING: Dream of airline suggests that you will solve everything well, but there may be a mid-afternoon drop in energy. More than perseverance, what will stand out will be the illusion that you will. There is a family problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible. No doubt it will be hard for […]
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Dream of Mba

MEANING: Dream of mba suggests that a walk in the nature would be very good for you today to control the stress you feel lately. You don’t have to worry about doing it right, just let yourself go and have fun with it. You will be willing to spend your free time and your work […]
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Dream of Distant

MEANING: Dream of distant suggests that today things won’t go your way. The conversations will be very entertaining and you will catch up on the lives of people you appreciate. You will have to get used to the new styles of work that will be imposed. You make contacts that come in handy to sell […]
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Dream of Jam

MEANING: Dream of jam shows that leave the car, drive your muscles and you will feel much clearer at night. Somebody is giving you strength to confront some issue or conflict in your life. You are putting past issues to rest or past relationships behind you. Thou shalt not go into the rag, and see […]
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