Dream of Being Trapped In A Hole

MEANING: Dream of being trapped in a hole means that certain fears are preventing you. You don’t have to look like someone else to be liked by everyone. Today do not provoke war where peace is supposed to reign. You will find what you are looking for easily and in a way that won’t cost […]
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Dream of Boyfriend Trapped

MEANING: Dream of boyfriend trapped suggests that take it very philosophically and calmly and don’t get too excited that it won’t help you mentally. Take advantage today to get organized and put an end to pending projects at home. A family member will give you some very good news that you will celebrate in style. […]
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Dream of Venus Fly Trap

MEANING: Dream of venus fly trap signifies that look for new opinions until you find the solution you want. Today will be a pleasant day, without ups and downs or setbacks. The best thing you can do is not to be aware of their presence. You will do everything in your power to help. Listen […]
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Dream of Trapped Dog

MEANING: Dream of trapped dog indicates that there is no greater victory than that which comes alone, almost without giving you time to blink. You will receive a call that will disturb you a lot and that you may not dare to answer. You need to start thinking things through for yourself. Your sentimental life […]
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Dream of Trap In A Net

MEANING: Dream of trap in a net shows that nerves and stress may cause you gastric problems. You may argue with a partner who will not be blamed for you being more nervous than usual. Don’t waste energy on unnecessary worries and focus on finding solutions. Taking deep breaths may help you calm down in […]
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Dream of Friend Being Trapped

MEANING: Dream of friend being trapped symbolises that you can’t keep dragging certain toxic relationships that no longer contribute to your life. You will be close to your family and willing to support someone who is going through a bad time. You will disconnect from work very easily and it will come in handy. Try […]
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Dream of Being Trapped In A Cave

MEANING: Dream of being trapped in a cave shows that it is convenient that today you take a day to relax because all the plans will be reversed. Make a promise to get back on the food track as soon as possible. It is important not to prejudge a situation or person based on the […]
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Dream of Being Trapped In A Coffin

MEANING: Dream of being trapped in a coffin indicates that you are ignoring an issue or refusing to see the big picture. Perhaps you have taken on more commitments than you could handle. Avoids at all costs the nervous tensions. You are in a good economic situation, but you have almost no free time left. […]
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Dream of Being Trapped In A Game

MEANING: Dream of being trapped in a game symbolises that they will not mind devoting their time to improving certain issues in these fields. Your preoccupation has found its way into your dreaming mind. You and your partner are slowly drifting apart and you don’t know what to do to shorten that distance. You will […]
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Dream of Being Trapped In Car

MEANING: Dream of being trapped in car shows that at night you can go somewhere where you will feel very comfortable. If you do not stop you will enter a vicious circle that you will not know how to get out. It will be an unforgettable and magical night in which nothing will turn out […]
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