Dream of Wearing Yellow Top

MEANING: Dream of wearing yellow top shows that you are about to be enlightened with some knowledge. You’ve been organizing a trip for a long time, but some unforeseen events are delaying it. There are now excellent opportunities for fairly acceptable work. Responsibilities, both at home and at work, continue to increase. You are in […]
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Dream of Wearing A Tank Top

MEANING: Dream of wearing a tank top signifies that someone will look at your qualities very positively. There is a conflict within you that must be resolved. Be wary of the words a stranger will say to you today, for they will not be entirely true. You may be feeling disrespected in some area of […]
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Dream of Black Top

MEANING: Dream of black top means that there is movement, travel or re-scheduling that will keep you busy. New studies will bring you closer to the awakening of a higher consciousness. Matters in love become clearer as your life regains its direction. You want to take action but are afraid to speak out. Set an […]
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Dream of Wearing Red Top

MEANING: Dream of wearing red top signifies that being jealous of a co-worker will lead to nothing but your own suffering. You sense the danger of a harmful situation for a friend or family member. You need to focus your energies on the prize. You need to be more realistic with your goals. Don’t want […]
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Dream of Man In Top Hat

MEANING: Dream of man in top hat suggests that don’t get into heated discussions with anyone, no matter what happens, throughout the day. They will give you bad news and a project in which you had put a lot of energy will not go ahead. That’s right, but don’t lose sight that someone’s help has […]
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Dream of Being On Top Of Roof

MEANING: Dream of being on top of roof suggests that your attitude will give others confidence to show you their projects or count on you for new challenges. Your call will be very comforting to him and he will feel more encouraged and protected in some way. Opens a door for distraction or to reduce […]
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Dream of Standing At Top Of Stairs

MEANING: Dream of standing at top of stairs suggests that you will feel happy and excited about the varied plans that are presented on the weekend. Before you act, consider whether you are acting on your own judgment or influenced by what others are saying. Don’t worry too much because what you have to do […]
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