Dream of High Tide

MEANING: Dream of high tide shows that you are exhibiting caution in what you share about yourself. You are acknowledging and releasing emotions you have repressed. You will tend to judge the work of others, when what you should do is to focus on your own. You may know someone interesting who will dazzle you […]
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Dream of Red Tide

MEANING: Dream of red tide symbolises that you are feeling confined or restricted in some way. Problems that seemed impossible to solve are now beginning to be solved. Thus you will get away from a mental stress that is not convenient for you. Certain things will be resolved before you can realize. You may have […]
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Dream of Rising Tide

MEANING: Dream of rising tide expresses that you are helping a person a lot and that is very good, but you must not forget yourself. Pay more attention to finances, so you can prevent problems later. There is something you can learn from your friends or others. Don’t take other people’s criticism so seriously. You […]
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Dream of Low Tide

MEANING: Dream of low tide indicates that it’s time to adapt and look forward with hope. Tonight you will go out with friends and meet many new people. You are living convulsive moments in your state of mind and in your personal relationships. This is where the key to your success may lie, in letting […]
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Dream of Incoming Tide

MEANING: Dream of incoming tide means that your intimate life needs a constructive analysis and not to be carried away by pessimism. It will be good for you to practice physical exercise to release the tension accumulated during the whole week. Ask the family for help, because they will not deny it as they will […]
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Dream of Tides

MEANING: Dream of tides means that perhaps some issues have not turned out as you expected and that has you with a little low morale. Today you will have a lot of fun with someone you will meet at work. Your actions and anger affect those around you even though it may not be directed […]
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Dream of Tide Going Out

MEANING: Dream of tide going out expresses that you are feeling insignificant or unimportant. There is something you have wanted to sell for a long time but, for whatever reason, you do not sell. There is something that you need to do or say, that is literally difficult to swallow. You are facing some health […]
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Dream of High Tide Waves

MEANING: Dream of high tide waves symbolises that it is time to let go of the past and move on. Try to put yourself in their place, don’t throw wood on the fire and give them time. You are having difficulties adapting and adjusting to your new surroundings. Consult with your partner or a friend, […]
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Dream of Low Tide Sea

MEANING: Dream of low tide sea means that you are clearing out all your past mistakes and starting fresh on a new slate. Going on a diet will never be a good solution to your lack of self-esteem. It is the best time to plan or carry out a well-deserved vacation. It is very possible […]
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Dream of Being Stuck In A Tide

MEANING: Dream of being stuck in a tide shows that managing and understanding your own emotions will be a priority today. You need to add a little fire and spice into your relationship. You recover that energy that had been down due to stress. Changes are good and there is no need to face them […]
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