Dream of Parking Structure

MEANING: Dream of parking structure symbolises that you need to stop interfering into other people’s business. Your seductive power will open doors you thought were closed and nothing will ever be the same again. You may have to care for a family member who is not quite well. There is something missing from your life. […]
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Dream of New Structure

MEANING: Dream of new structure signifies that you will feel judged by a friend you trusted a lot and that will hurt you a lot. Don’t let a little illness spoil your day. You and your partner are beginning a somewhat turbulent stage. This time you should not take sides because you can get scalded. […]
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Dream of Building Structure

MEANING: Dream of building structure suggests that singles have it all in their favor to find love. You need to express your anger and feelings more directly. Know your weak points to overcome them. Do not get too comfortable or too arrogant. You have difficulties in expressing your fears, anger, or love. The feeling of […]
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Dream of Structure Falling

MEANING: Dream of structure falling expresses that you will be able to do more with less work, effort and difficulties. You will have to face tense situations in which you must impose yourself and defend your ideas. You may be wrong in your assessment of someone you think is reliable and not so reliable. You […]
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