Dream of Red String

MEANING: Dream of red string indicates that don’t go overboard with doing what you think is right and according to the rules. You’ll be right if you keep it up and don’t let contamination get to you. You may expect more from her, but this is not the time to ask for more. You realize […]
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Dream of String Instrument

MEANING: Dream of string instrument shows that you may be concerned about fitting into society’s ideals of beauty. Stop bemoaning something that could have been and wasn’t. Enemies now surrender to truth. Every process has a purpose and so does yours. A situation was not as difficult or tedious as you had initially assumed. Moreover, […]
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Dream of Broken Strings

MEANING: Dream of broken strings signifies that perhaps there is a situation in your life where you feel that you are just along for the ride. You are trusting by nature, but you should be cautious with a person you have just met. You will face a hard test today, a challenge you have been […]
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Dream of Spools Of String

MEANING: Dream of spools of string shows that your way of communicating things could be a little aggressive today unless you take special care. Don’t let stress get the better of you and fight it by exercising or doing a craft. You must work hard if you want your working conditions to improve. You are […]
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Dream of Golden Strings

MEANING: Dream of golden strings symbolises that it will also benefit you a lot if you do not intend to make an immediate profit. Prudence and common sense will prevail today in everything you do. You have a false sense of control and power. You need to learn to let go and look toward what […]
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Dream of Stringing Beads

MEANING: Dream of stringing beads suggests that the new contacts you make today are valuable for the future even if they don’t seem so now. You are looking for your truth, which makes you happy, and now you are not willing to compromise. Today select your words well because you run the risk of others […]
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Dream of Yellow String

MEANING: Dream of yellow string shows that you cannot ignore someone who, in very good faith, is trying to help you. Get out of the rut and don’t be afraid of the unknown. You are your own boss, and you can put limits on the other to make things flow your way. You cannot make […]
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Dream of Black String

MEANING: Dream of black string suggests that you need to looking at an issue more objectively. Maybe a money you count on won’t come when you expect it. But consider it an opportunity to be in the company of someone who appreciates you very much. Make a promise to get back on the food track […]
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Dream of String Bag

MEANING: Dream of string bag expresses that luck has come to stay for a while, but you must make an effort so that everything goes well. Fate will collaborate with you so that you can let go of everything that no longer serves you. You want to appear pure and angelic toward others. A correct […]
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