Dream of Picking Strawberries

MEANING: Dream of picking strawberries shows that your conversation will be light and everyone will find you fun, intelligent. If you have a partner, today is a perfect day to spend as much time as you can with her. All circumstances will come together for you to have a life-changing encounter. Two friends have an […]
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Dream of Rotting Strawberries

MEANING: Dream of rotting strawberries symbolises that you are afraid of losing something that means a lot to you. You need to focus and zero in on one issue at a time. You are trying to connect with a person on a spiritual or intellectual level. It will be a long and tiring day, but […]
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Dream of Strawberries

MEANING: Dream of strawberries suggests that there are some events that can overtake you today and you should be prepared for them. Something will happen that will make you put your feet on the ground and realize that no one was indispensable. You will have light to avoid everything that can alter your peace of […]
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Dream of Growing Strawberries

MEANING: Dream of growing strawberries signifies that you approach situations or problems with both hostility and unstoppable determination. You are pretending be someone else instead of being yourself. A nice romantic dinner in a new place might be enough to rekindle the flame again. You need to break out of your daily routine and do […]
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Dream of Strawberry Shortcake

MEANING: Dream of strawberry shortcake expresses that the work will demand your full attention and you cannot afford to attend to other matters. It is in your best interest to be direct and clarify things from the beginning. There is worth and truth in what you are saying. You will find something that you thought […]
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Dream of Fresh Strawberries

MEANING: Dream of fresh strawberries shows that you will feel full and happy, knowing that nothing bad can happen. It is time to stabilize, to establish deeper and more lasting relationships in your life. For that great work appointment, rehearse in front of the mirror. Perhaps you are welcoming a new relationship. Be careful with […]
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Dream of Strawberry Pie

MEANING: Dream of strawberry pie indicates that you are overwhelmed by the problems and decisions in your life. Try to organize the suitcase with calm and attention or you could forget something very important. You need to be more bubbly or vivacious. A call or a message will make you feel uneasy for a good […]
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Dream of Gluttony Strawberry

MEANING: Dream of gluttony strawberry expresses that if you have started a relationship with a committed or married person, accept the risks. You solve that little health issue that has been bothering you. Sometimes what you don’t know is a source of anxiety and stress. Your social life continues to be very active and your […]
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