Dream of Starting Period

MEANING: Dream of starting period symbolises that you need to do more sport to feel fit. All the limitations and sacrifices of the past will be like seeds that will now bear very good fruit. A person from your closest environment will give you, very soon, some positive news. You are experiencing feelings of self-doubt, […]
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Dream of War Starting

MEANING: Dream of war starting indicates that you are struggling with gender roles and what is acceptable. You should take it easy with everything related to work. You will have to overcome a difficult test in the next days or weeks. You’ll come up with an idea that will leave some of your co-workers open-mouthed. […]
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Dream of Fire Starting

MEANING: Dream of fire starting indicates that you are altering your emotional expression in a way that will be presentable to others. You find yourself with money you didn’t count on. Today communication will flow at work, use it to your advantage. All circumstances will come together for you to have a life-changing encounter. You […]
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