Dream of Stairs Going Up

MEANING: Dream of stairs going up means that it’s time for you to consider a change in your life so that nothing remains as it was before. You feel others are walking all over you and taking advantage of you. You are emotionally and mentally strained. Take advantage of this opportunity to face those things […]
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Dream of Climbing High Stairs

MEANING: Dream of climbing high stairs signifies that you should not judge him, but if you do, let it be only temporarily. Be more tolerant of your partner and the people around you. A person close to you will open up to you like never before. Everything indicates that a new stage is indicated. You […]
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Dream of Watching Someone Fall Down Stairs

MEANING: Dream of watching someone fall down stairs symbolises that yesterday’s memories return and your romantic nature gets excited like never before. You may be trying to prevent something from being said or revealed. You don’t have to stay in the same place all the time. You must loosen the level of self-demanding a little […]
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Dream of Metal Stairs

MEANING: Dream of metal stairs indicates that everything leads you to be very safe at work. You are regressing back to your childhood. Think about the positive part you have achieved. If you have business, today you will have an offer or a possibility to expand and improve it. You’ve had an argument with someone […]
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Dream of Being Pushed Down Stairs

MEANING: Dream of being pushed down stairs shows that stop judging and criticizing yourself and act more spontaneously. You need to approach life with more casual and live more freely. You have an inferior self-image about yourself. You won’t be at all comfortable working with a partner who is somewhat lazy and lazy. In the […]
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Dream of Long Stairs

MEANING: Dream of long stairs expresses that show yourself as much love as you can so you can help him feel a little better. You may be seeking for some form of shelter from the outside world. You will find it almost impossible to fulfill your challenge of the day. Your neighbors and siblings give […]
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Dream of Being Chased Up Stairs

MEANING: Dream of being chased up stairs symbolises that you are too overly concerned about what others are thinking and doing. Every effort you make today will be compensated in the future and that will reward you inwardly. Don’t keep thinking about appearances because you will never live in peace. Don’t let yourself be carried […]
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Dream of Helping Someone Down Stairs

MEANING: Dream of helping someone down stairs indicates that if you want the waters to return to their course, act with intelligence. You are not taking responsibility for your own decisions or actions. It will be a weekend full of adventure and good experiences. Be more realistic in your expectations. You will be disappointed by […]
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