Dream of Being Arrested By Soldiers

MEANING: Dream of being arrested by soldiers shows that you will look for someone enterprising, with character, determined, confident. Everything related to the physical, to your image, will worry you a lot today. There are people who support you and are willing to help you if you ask them. You have avoided your feelings for […]
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Dream of Police And Soldiers

MEANING: Dream of police and soldiers means that you need to pay closer attention to something or listen to someone more carefully. Don’t ignore the signals your body sends you. You need to move on with regards to some aspect of your life. But be careful and reflect before you go crazy. You have a […]
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Dream of Toy Soldiers

MEANING: Dream of toy soldiers suggests that you are second-guessing your decisions and are looking for validation or approval. You just have to recover your good habits little by little. There are some problems that look better if you move away from them and listen to other voices. You need to catch up on your […]
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Dream of Dead Soldiers

MEANING: Dream of dead soldiers symbolises that you take the opportunity to do something playful or very relaxing. However, do not be hasty, go with caution and analyze everything step by step. You need to start over in a different direction. You are letting negative emotions rule your actions and behavior. Find the reason or […]
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Dream of Hiding From Soldiers

MEANING: Dream of hiding from soldiers symbolises that your heart has something to tell you about the next step you will take on a professional level. You make that call that you have been postponing for some time because of laziness or fear. Perhaps you feel that you have come to save the day. You […]
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Dream of Soldiers Talking

MEANING: Dream of soldiers talking indicates that your feelings or ideas are being dismissed or cast to the side. You are doing something that he may disapprove. If you are too lazy, you can ask a family member or friend to help you and it will be easier. Someone will try to convince you to […]
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Dream of Injured Soldiers

MEANING: Dream of injured soldiers signifies that you are feeling physically drained due to stress. You are having difficulties communicating your emotions or thoughts. You have been played or taken advantage of. Today will not be your day, so you should stay in the background whenever you can. You are being confronted with many challenges […]
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Dream of Soldiers Marching

MEANING: Dream of soldiers marching means that hours will fly by today at work and when you want to agree you will be on the weekend. You can’t reproach people for acting a certain way and then you do the same. You will be very confident in everything you do and say. Just don’t make […]
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Dream of Many Soldiers

MEANING: Dream of many soldiers signifies that you need to try and take a shot at something new and overcome your fear of failure. Don’t get carried away and look at your own margins and options. You will enjoy with those disciplines that discover new worlds. This weekend it will be difficult to find you […]
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