Dream of Friend Sliding

MEANING: Dream of friend sliding indicates that you will fall well and observe that he looks at you with sympathy and appreciation. You are surrounded by a somewhat gossipy person who has been interfering in your private life for some time. You rejoice in your heart and celebrate with her, as you feel, in part, […]
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Dream of Sliding Down A Slope

MEANING: Dream of sliding down a slope symbolises that the money aspect is emphasized for you. It is very possible that an old friend will communicate to you her intention to start a long journey. You are feeling lost, overwhelmed and inadequate. Don’t tell your partner you love her if you are not clear about […]
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Dream of Steep Slide

MEANING: Dream of steep slide signifies that do it calmly, without wanting to run over and you will be very successful. You have just made an important decision that involves significant changes in your life. You are a point where you are comfortable in acknowledging your vulnerabilities and feelings. You may also find a romance […]
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Dream of Sliding Stairs

MEANING: Dream of sliding stairs symbolises that some urgent matter is literally burning through to your soul and demanding your immediate attention. Respect the advice of physicians and care for the body as the temple of the spirit. Let yourself be advised by an expert and dare to give a radical change to your image. […]
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Dream of Sliding Down A Banister

MEANING: Dream of sliding down a banister indicates that your words and comments can have more impact than usual. Today you will reflect deeply on your experiences and. You will receive congratulations for something you have organized. The best thing will be that when you leave work you do something fun. Take advantage of this […]
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Dream of Sliding In Snow

MEANING: Dream of sliding in snow suggests that you will impress someone special you might meet tonight. You will want to talk or be in contact with someone you are very fond of and who is far away. You can’t feel bad about a person who doesn’t appreciate you at all. There are things around […]
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Dream of Sliding Down A Road

MEANING: Dream of sliding down a road signifies that any work you do in collaboration with others will have excellent and lasting results. You desire to be more open minded and free. You will have to face a difficult conversation that somehow you have been avoiding for days. You are interested-in someone and want to […]
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Dream of Earth Slide

MEANING: Dream of earth slide symbolises that you will look into the future in a practical way and plan very carefully every step to be taken. You’re going to waste someone’s time with a subject that you’re going to wear something heavy. You will see how it is not so complicated, and peace and communication […]
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