Dream of Water Slide

MEANING: Dream of water slide shows that the planetary energy pours out some negativity on your person. Reborn in you now the sense of union either with your partner, children or friends. Use caution as stress may cause you to buy more than you need. Today your intuition is very good and will give you […]
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Dream of Going Down A Big Slide

MEANING: Dream of going down a big slide expresses that better start to the day than you expected. Challenges always give you a certain fear and a feeling of throwing yourself away. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do just to be valued by someone. It is true, not everything is perfect in life, […]
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Dream of Climbing Up A Slide

MEANING: Dream of climbing up a slide expresses that you will have to find, however, a solution to a familiar problem that comes from far. They propose a trip or organize an event. If you want to have more energy and vitality you cannot continue to lead such a sedentary life. Beware of the cold […]
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Dream of Sliding Down A Waterfall

MEANING: Dream of sliding down a waterfall expresses that it is convenient that you do not lose your calm, nor get discouraged because it will be solved in a favorable way. The time has come to close the unfinished business so that we can move forward more smoothly through life. Nostalgia will invade you and […]
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Dream of Car Sliding On Ice

MEANING: Dream of car sliding on ice shows that avoid distractions from what is on your agenda today. Affective matters haunt your head and also your heart. You don’t lack energy, enthusiasm and desire to do different things today. They will leave in your hands the solution of an issue that affects a group or […]
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Dream of Playground Slide

MEANING: Dream of playground slide means that do not think that your attitude, not thinking many times about others, especially in the family, favors you. It is not good to let certain hostilities pass, but neither to make a mountain out of a molehill. You are confronting and overcoming your obstacles. An unexpected income or […]
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Dream of Sliding In Mud

MEANING: Dream of sliding in mud indicates that there is someone in your family who requires, now more than ever, your attention and love. Certain aspects of yourself have been ignored or neglected. You have to watch a certain inclination to know the most intimate of some person. You need to put more effort on […]
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Dream of Sliding Down A Hill

MEANING: Dream of sliding down a hill means that you are experiencing an elevated sense of spirituality. You clearly express your feelings to others. It would be convenient if you would give yourself some interior time for them. What may seem good in the beginning, will ultimately be unsatisfying and unfulfilling. Look for solutions, you […]
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Dream of Big Slide

MEANING: Dream of big slide suggests that you are jealous of people who work with you. You are feeling an emotional or physical distance from your boyfriend/girlfriend. You feel within you a certain sadness that you do not know where it comes from. Someone could give you a new opportunity for your personal evolution. You […]
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