Dream of Diamond Missing From Ring

MEANING: Dream of diamond missing from ring symbolises that there are some aspects of yourself that you have denied. You have the ability to stop at a moment’s notice to consider your next plan of action. There are several things that concern you and several issues to resolve and you don’t know where to start. […]
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Dream of Hearing A Doorbell Ring

MEANING: Dream of hearing a doorbell ring suggests that don’t be angry that someone in the family sets your conditions or sets the rules. Follow his advice to the letter and do not let yourself be carried away by the resistances of your ego. You are putting in more than you are getting back. You […]
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Dream of Hearing A Telephone Ring

MEANING: Dream of hearing a telephone ring symbolises that your environment may be troubled, perhaps by a family matter. Your relationship will be enhanced by various circumstances and events. You will avoid going out more with friends. You can finally put together your love puzzle and stabilize on the sentimental plane. Certain memories of the […]
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Dream of Butterfly Ring

MEANING: Dream of butterfly ring shows that don’t expect dreams to magically materialize. You take out of your life a person who envies you and you know that he is not, nor has ever been, sincere. You shouldn’t be ashamed because we all make mistakes at some point in our lives. You’ll have to go […]
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Dream of A Jade Ring

MEANING: Dream of a jade ring suggests that you have successfully acknowledged certain emotions and characteristics. Luck will be with you in a new stage you are about to start. Happiness is nothing more than feeling calm and tranquil with oneself. You are achieving great things on the job, but you are barely aware. Today […]
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Dream of A Belly Ring

MEANING: Dream of a belly ring means that it is because of the insistence to think about the future. There are changes in your work environment, but that doesn’t mean they will affect you as much as they seem. You will have the sympathy of your superiors and influential help. The couple will be a […]
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Dream of Missing Ring

MEANING: Dream of missing ring suggests that you are unsure of your own feelings or how to express yourself. Now it’s time to go where you want, not where others want. You are being given a second chance or second try at something. Bury the past and don’t keep regretting what you don’t have. Negative […]
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