Dream of Beef Ribs

MEANING: Dream of beef ribs expresses that you may be regressing into your childhood where times were simpler. You to get out and expose yourself to new interests and activities. You are trying to escape from your own reality. You will be efficient to the maximum and that will make you feel good. You still […]
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Dream of Pork Ribs

MEANING: Dream of pork ribs shows that you are seeking balance and harmony in your life. You are still somewhat hurt by a bad gesture received from the loved one. Stop poking around in other people’s lives and worry about your own. You will be able to solve the little problem with audacity and intelligence. […]
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Dream of Cooking Ribs

MEANING: Dream of cooking ribs signifies that you are working on finding yourself and in getting to the core of things. Your idealistic notions are deteriorating or being shattered apart. There is someone who owes you something, probably money or an explanation. The days go by quickly but today you will feel that time stands […]
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Dream of Ribs

MEANING: Dream of ribs suggests that forgiveness will be your most effective and powerful tool. Somebody or something is effecting your thinking and clouding your judgment. Someone is not who you thought they were. You are being lured into a harmful situation. Dedicate part of the day to putting your documents in order and cleaning. […]
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Dream of Crushing Ribs

MEANING: Dream of crushing ribs symbolises that at work you will be involved in a not entirely pleasant matter that affects another colleague. You will be seen in a good mood, but, above all, you will waste optimism and positive energy. If today you are overcome by pessimism, fight it by staying with friends. A […]
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Dream of Fractured Rib

MEANING: Dream of fractured rib means that you are playing unfairly in some situation. Whatever good comes now, however little, take advantage of it and appreciate it. In addition, you see that a friend gets well in a health problem and that makes you very happy. A friend brings you good memories and very entertaining […]
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Dream of Getting Shot In The Ribs

MEANING: Dream of getting shot in the ribs shows that you cannot continue in such a state of chaos. You may be experiencing some destructive and powerful emotions. You are not taking the time to cater to your emotions. He will be a brave and honest person who will make you live the life you […]
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Dream of Eating Cooked Ribs

MEANING: Dream of eating cooked ribs suggests that you have information or knowledge that needs to be shared. There is a problem or issue that is burdening you. You need to be more passionate and direct with your emotional needs. If it is something related to the social or political, you will find it enriching. […]
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Dream of Eating Bbq Ribs

MEANING: Dream of eating bbq ribs shows that the sales or purchase related is enhanced today. You can’t let a professional situation get out of hand. It is time to go and get a physical check up. You are being too picky about something that you should not be picky about. You need to be […]
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Dream of Eating Ribs

MEANING: Dream of eating ribs suggests that there are very envious people and now that your sentimental life is going well, they will try to annoy you at all costs. Sometimes you can’t see what is going on, but you still sense it. If you have children, today’s relationships can be a little overwhelming and […]
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