Dream of Picking Raw Eggs

MEANING: Dream of picking raw eggs shows that they will be good and you don’t have to have prejudices, of those that assault you often. It wouldn’t hurt to try to see yourself inwardly. You are still thinking about a recent conversation that did not end in the best way. You always want to win, […]
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Dream of Raw Sewage

MEANING: Dream of raw sewage means that knowing your most authentic self will help you communicate more fluently and confidently. Today will be a bit overwhelming, because you have many things to solve. An event will put your feet on the ground in relation to a person you admired. It is better not to think […]
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Dream of Raw Shark Meat

MEANING: Dream of raw shark meat symbolises that your emotional batteries are recharged and you are filled with faith, optimism and vitality. You’re resting on your laurels about something and that can’t be. This time you have to allow yourself to do exactly what you want to do. You’re quite upbeat today, after that downturn […]
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Dream of Eating Raw Salmon

MEANING: Dream of eating raw salmon symbolises that a stranger will smile at you when you need a smile most. The foreigner and education is empowered in you. This will gain you the sympathy of your environment in which you will feel very comfortable. All you have to worry about right now is loving yourself […]
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Dream of Eating Raw Shrimp

MEANING: Dream of eating raw shrimp expresses that determine which relationships are bringing you great things. Relationships will not be as perfect as you would like them to be. You are experiencing feelings of inadequacy and fears that you are not measuring up. Those words come from that person’s frustrations. You will wake up with […]
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Dream of Vomiting Raw Meat

MEANING: Dream of vomiting raw meat suggests that you will find an original solution to a family problem that will leave all parties happy. If necessary, you will start from scratch and will not mind having to make an effort in the work. You need to adapt and incorporate what you have learned in the […]
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Dream of Cutting Raw Chicken

MEANING: Dream of cutting raw chicken symbolises that you may have the wrong idea about something or someone. You feel someone around you is taking advantage of you and feeding off your kind heartedness. You are not taking responsibility or stepping up to resolve issues that concern you in your life. Don’t let anyone tell […]
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Dream of Cutting Raw Beef

MEANING: Dream of cutting raw beef indicates that you are not being recognized for your contribution or hard work. You are in trouble in some situation or in your relationship. Don’t let yourself be carried away by bad thoughts or because you think you are in possession of the truth. Don’t get tangled up in […]
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Dream of Eating Raw Bean

MEANING: Dream of eating raw bean symbolises that you must make everything clear before you go forward, especially if it is with the family. You need to work on yourself and explore your mind. It will be a day marked by some disagreements. Keep your thoughts positive, don’t let others discourage you or paint things […]
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Dream of Eating Raw Fruit

MEANING: Dream of eating raw fruit suggests that the joys will come to you through any club or association you are part of. Listen to your feelings and don’t force yourself to stay with anyone today. You may feel that time is running out in a business or personal matter. You need to achieve self-fulfillment […]
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