Dream of Body Rash

MEANING: Dream of body rash symbolises that you need to come down from you lofty ambitions or idealistic notions. You are feeling numb in some area of your life. The family will also be in a friendly and confident tone and will bring you serenity. You need to express your anger and feelings more directly. […]
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Dream of Getting Rash

MEANING: Dream of getting rash expresses that your points of view on your work will be developed little by little and will give you very good results. If you watch your mood swings you will see how people respond to you. It would not be unusual for a temporary removal for work purposes to occur. […]
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Dream of Skin Rash

MEANING: Dream of skin rash means that you should not contemplate any major changes in your life at this time. You cannot always behave as you wish without thinking of others. You are building a very solid union with your partner. You can’t keep to yourself a rather intimate secret that sometimes takes away your […]
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Dream of Rash On Chest

MEANING: Dream of rash on chest indicates that you find yourself in a whirlpool of things to do that cannot be put off. Perhaps you are taking certain things for granted or overlooking something or someone. Too many times you are thinking about what could happen or what already happened. Let it be explained clearly, […]
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Dream of Rash On Stomach

MEANING: Dream of rash on stomach suggests that it will be a last uphill, somewhat hard, but the compensations will not be long in coming. You will have to go back to hearing complaints from a family member. You will even care for those who are in bad circumstances or suffer. You will have discomfort […]
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Dream of Rash On Hands

MEANING: Dream of rash on hands indicates that set your priorities and choose what you really want to do and who you want to be with, without pressure. You are able to let go of your problems and rise above the situation. Don’t feel involved, they don’t go with you. Also, someone may be a […]
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Dream of Rash Driving

MEANING: Dream of rash driving suggests that you are unprepared for some task at hand. That gives you a lot of tranquility and a great mood. Your finances are beginning to be quite stable and that makes you feel much more at ease. Don’t look for three feet on the cat because you won’t find […]
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Dream of Face Rash

MEANING: Dream of face rash means that you may be a slave to your job, to your family, to some habit, or to some obsession. Today you should be cautious about money matters. You want to escape the grind of your occupation. At your side is luck in both the sentimental and material aspect. The […]
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Dream of Having Rash

MEANING: Dream of having rash signifies that you have energy again to move towards what you really want in your life. You could not have imagined living what you are living. A grieving process is taking longer than you would like. Give yourself time to distract yourself and enjoy life. Perhaps you have done something […]
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