Dream of Rain Pouring Through Roof

MEANING: Dream of rain pouring through roof means that perhaps they demand too much of you because of circumstances beyond your control, but which you must assume. Getting angry about unimportant things is not in your best interest right now. You are looking for some form of acceptance. Your mind needs free space, without conversations […]
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Dream of Large Rain

MEANING: Dream of large rain indicates that today it will highlight your most extravagant and groundbreaking side, especially with regard to your image. You are experiencing some emotional outbursts and anger issues. Generally, you are not a very far-sighted person and you spend according to your needs. Don’t be angry if someone refuses an invitation […]
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Dream of Swimming In Rain

MEANING: Dream of swimming in rain signifies that you start a phase of uncertainty, perhaps related to work. You are committing yourself to something that is not good for you if you take it that way. You are moving through life in a confident manner. Do not tempt fate with risky actions or activities you […]
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Dream of Hard Rain

MEANING: Dream of hard rain symbolises that learn to say no to those who are always borrowing from you and never paying anything back. Your curiosity is innate and you always want to learn new things. Feed thoughts of happiness and laugh alone at your mistakes and rejoice in your virtues. If you have problems […]
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Dream of Raining Money

MEANING: Dream of raining money shows that you will make important decisions that will produce definitive and radical changes. You need a vacation and escape the stresses in your life. Get involved in a project of yours that has been sleeping in a drawer all the time. Today you will enjoy a nice day with […]
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Dream of Rain Storm

MEANING: Dream of rain storm expresses that it’s a good time as far as your health is concerned. It is important that you assume a commitment of work that is still to come, but that will certainly come. That’s fine as long as you don’t overdo it and invade their privacy. You will live a […]
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Dream of Pouring Rain

MEANING: Dream of pouring rain suggests that there will be certain tensions in the work environment. Your relationship will improve a lot this week thanks to your conciliatory attitude. You are exhibiting efficiency in your work. Now everything is almost finished, you have finished up to the smallest detail. You will feel a certain degree […]
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