Dream of Walking In Rain

MEANING: Dream of walking in rain symbolises that you are on the verge of losing your temper or about to blow up over some matter. You may be expressing a desire to wipe out some aspect of yourself. Today you should be careful at work as someone may play a trick on you. It will […]
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Dream of Dark Clouds And Rain

MEANING: Dream of dark clouds and rain indicates that take advantage of that optimistic current, it will be very useful in intimate aspects of your life. You will find yourself more communicative, expressive and sincere with yourself. Approach a labor discussion with a positive, more constructive perspective and without getting upset. On the one hand […]
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Dream of Rain Pouring In The House

MEANING: Dream of rain pouring in the house symbolises that you will see your direction more clearly than ever before, and you will definitely commit to your life purpose. A friend will make it easier for you in the workplace today. Social relations will be very easy and pleasant. Your sentimental life now takes an […]
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Dream of Rain Showers

MEANING: Dream of rain showers symbolises that don’t worry because very soon everything will be resolved. You will regret a purchase that, for whatever reason, you cannot exchange. A romantic getaway as a couple will make you dream like you haven’t in a long time. Pay more attention to the signals your body sends you. […]
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Dream of Rain While Driving

MEANING: Dream of rain while driving means that this will save you disappointment and you will live more peacefully. Avoid being dominated by routine and awaken from your self-created lethargy. You need to gain a better perspective or wider view on something. Family misunderstandings are approaching and today, perhaps, the first meeting will take place. […]
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Dream of Yellow Rain

MEANING: Dream of yellow rain means that don’t waste your valuable energy by being fooled or manipulated by profiteers. A good friend will propose you to go for a drink or to go out at night for dinner and dancing. Take a break from worrying. You are taking little steps toward your goals and pacing […]
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Dream of Going To Rain

MEANING: Dream of going to rain indicates that life will surprise you with an event you were somehow waiting for. You should put less expectations on a project that keeps you very excited. Someone is trying to get through to you one way or another. You will be happy and will like that everybody knows […]
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Dream of Earthquake And Rain

MEANING: Dream of earthquake and rain signifies that a pet will cross your path and you will have to make decisions. On this day, things will start to change and your love situation will improve. Blindfolds blind you and prevent you from seeing reality. Somebody is offering guidance to some daily problem. You need to […]
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Dream of Bad Rain

MEANING: Dream of bad rain shows that you are in trouble or in a sticky situation. You shouldn’t be ashamed because we all make mistakes at some point in our lives. Don’t let them take the piss out of you and demand what is yours. You are seeing little benefits from all your long hard […]
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