Dream of Looking For Presents

MEANING: Dream of looking for presents indicates that the plans you have made with him will be excellent and everything will go smoothly. Your actions and anger affect those around you even though it may not be directed at them. Issues related to legal documents or signatures or contracts will be resolved soon. You are […]
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Dream of Old Presents

MEANING: Dream of old presents expresses that you must impose yourself now and mark your personal times and your spaces of leisure and rest. At work you will successfully complete your tasks thanks to the effort. The quieter you go to that appointment, the better you will. Through perseverance and dedication, you will reap the […]
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Dream of Receiving Presents

MEANING: Dream of receiving presents suggests that recover some healthy food and some discipline that will make you feel better. You need to direct your energies to more worthwhile endeavors. Circumstances have helped a very toxic person get away from you. Don’t stay at home and go in search of adventure. Put in them all […]
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Dream of Big Presents

MEANING: Dream of big presents indicates that if your mood is positive, you will feel beneficial effects in your body. Today you could get away with it, but in the long run you would lose, so it’s not worth it. You are searching for some direction in your life. It will not be easy to […]
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Dream of Given Presents

MEANING: Dream of given presents indicates that play along if you have to, but don’t fall into the trap that has been setting you up for a few weeks. Emotional blockage begins to dissipate and emotional ties improve. The material is too important and may be leading you down the wrong path. If it is […]
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Dream of Many Presents

MEANING: Dream of many presents suggests that you will have some problems with your partner, but it is best not to get upset. Lending money to friends will cause a rift in your relationship. Your sense of humor will be somewhat acidic and you will not hesitate to tell the truth. With a little patience […]
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Dream of Finding Presents

MEANING: Dream of finding presents means that you have made a negative choice in some important matter. It is important not to take things so seriously, nor so hastily when starting a relationship. You have left out a concern or problem that you do not see a solution to right now. It is time to […]
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Dream of Different Presents

MEANING: Dream of different presents means that you are worried about financial problems that don’t have to come. Don’t burden yourself with too many responsibilities that can take you away from the place you want to go. You’ve already shown him enough that you know how to stand by him. Maybe it’s just that you […]
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Dream of Presents

MEANING: Dream of presents indicates that you need to confront an issue or problem for it is destroying your sense of harmony and balance. If you need to be distracted, the best thing to do is go to the movies. You miss being in a relationship and to feel wanted. You will overcome a small […]
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Dream of Getting Presents

MEANING: Dream of getting presents symbolises that social relations are stimulated and it is time to enjoy them. Vacation is just around the corner and you are preparing a getaway. If you let yourself be carried away by it you will not get anything of what you intend. You will know how to act according […]
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