Dream of Planting Potatoes

MEANING: Dream of planting potatoes symbolises that you won’t have any trouble giving in to their suggestions and you will even find them very amusing. You need to slow down and listen to your instincts or to your body. Caution today with anything to do with movement, travel or the car. There is some situation […]
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Dream of Potatoes Planting

MEANING: Dream of potatoes planting expresses that you need to make contact with someone and reach out for help. Don’t be so stubborn trying to force your whims. If you are offered a business, think about it very coldly and analyze well the pros and cons. Manage your personal space, don’t let others do it. […]
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Dream of Big Potatoes

MEANING: Dream of big potatoes indicates that you should be especially careful when passing on news that someone will inform you. You won’t feel like it much, but the sooner you do it, the calmer you will be. Unlike yesterday, today you will notice that your mood drops quite. You are wanting to prevent yourself […]
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Dream of Eating Rotten Potatoes

MEANING: Dream of eating rotten potatoes indicates that you are hiding and cowering from a person or situation. Today you will enjoy like never before the presence of your family, the company of your friends. With small changes, you can enjoy perfect health. It’s time to share your happiness with others. Love comes now in […]
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Dream of Cutting Potatoes

MEANING: Dream of cutting potatoes means that good intentions will be of no use to you, unless you put your hands to work. Trust your possibilities, it’s just a matter of discovering them. You’d better give your arm because you won’t be able to reach an agreement. Maybe you’ve been spending too much time on […]
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