Dream of Pink Pearls

MEANING: Dream of pink pearls symbolises that let the two sides express their intentions and come to an agreement. Christmas has put your scale of values into question and you have decided to make a change. Hidden talents will come to light for further personal enrichment. Organize it in a more systematic way, giving priority […]
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Dream of Pearls

MEANING: Dream of pearls symbolises that you are confronting and bringing your repressed emotions to the surface. It has been a long time since you experienced a similar sensation. Someone is going to tell you not to keep feeding back on the situation. Perhaps you are transitioning into a new career, new home, or new […]
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Dream of Pearl Ring

MEANING: Dream of pearl ring expresses that health concerns or problems of your family members may affect you negatively. You should not take unnecessary economic risks, but spend on what you consider appropriate. Do not insist on taking a wrong stand with a person who does not deserve it. You will be more focused on […]
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Dream of Giant Pearls

MEANING: Dream of giant pearls suggests that continuously your will power will be tested. Today you will receive an invitation for an unexpected event. You need space and freedom to experience and feel happy. You go out to celebrate that new state of your heart after some bad moments. Take advantage of these days for […]
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Dream of Jewelry Pearl

MEANING: Dream of jewelry pearl means that time to start battles you can really win. You have done something that you are not proud of. You will recover your mental and physical balance and will be guided by new paths. You are unsure of the ground that you are standing on. Happiness is an inner […]
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Dream of Snake Pearl

MEANING: Dream of snake pearl means that your happiness is a choice and a daily work. It would be convenient that you analyze a little more if it is certain fear to advance in that relationship. You are somewhat unsure about asserting your presence, as you are afraid of encountering much opposition. You have a […]
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Dream of Obtaining Pearls

MEANING: Dream of obtaining pearls symbolises that you will have a great opportunity to make your partner happy today. You will have a hard fight with a person throughout the day. It will be a day prone to conflict in the workplace. Don’t stand there in disbelief, realize that there are worlds that you don’t […]
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Dream of Pearls And Diamonds

MEANING: Dream of pearls and diamonds indicates that your partner hasn’t done anything that’s that bad so you’d better not overreact. Things may not be what it appears to be. Be careful because there is someone who expects much more from you than you can give. Understand that life is an exchange and that attachment […]
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Dream of Scattered Pearls

MEANING: Dream of scattered pearls indicates that you finish the day in an excellent way both on the physical and mental level. You will be enthusiastic and positive with others, leaving no room for criticism or discussion. Today you will control the work situation with a lot of cunning, something that is not very common […]
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