Dream of Paw Prints

MEANING: Dream of paw prints shows that luck is on your side this day and will favor any issue related to chance. Calling one of your best friends and talking to him can help you get out of the rut. Put a stop to that thought that is not positive and that maybe it is […]
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Dream of Monkeys Paw

MEANING: Dream of monkeys paw symbolises that yes you can achieve that which you have set out to do, but you must not lose faith. You will explain what is needed in a way that will convey solutions and love. Stay calm and try to find out what your real feelings are. In love you […]
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Dream of Eating Paw Paw

MEANING: Dream of eating paw paw symbolises that dream big and you’ll get big. Dedicate yourself to what you like best, it will bring you joy and those around you will notice it. You have the knowledge within yourself to maximize your potential. You need to work on some aspect if yourself and better your […]
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Dream of Bear Paw Print

MEANING: Dream of bear paw print symbolises that today you will have that conversation you have pending with someone. Clarify problems of siblings or close relatives that have depressed you for years. Perhaps it is better that you do it alone, without being aware of anyone. Your love life is, lately, really exciting. Work and […]
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Dream of Animal Paw

MEANING: Dream of animal paw symbolises that today secret admirers come to light. You need to be more accepting of flaws of shortcomings. You will stop feeling internal pressure about an issue that was worrying you at work. New opportunities are now opened to you. If you sell it to someone, try to be very […]
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Dream of A Tiger Paw

MEANING: Dream of a tiger paw indicates that you must remain calm and value each thing in its right measure. In general you will feel quite enthusiastic and energetic and it won’t cost you much to get things done. Your rational thinking is in accordance with your emotional thinking. It’s not easy, but you should […]
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Dream of Dog Paw

MEANING: Dream of dog paw indicates that a change of scenery or place of study is approaching and this has you a little tense and worried. You need to take some time out for pleasure and leisurely activity. Something requires your immediate action. You need to be more neutral or objective in your decision making. […]
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Dream of Lion Paw

MEANING: Dream of lion paw means that something important or significant is happening tonight. Not too good an idea, especially if you do it in a sharp or abrupt manner. Trust in the power of your strength and calm your mind and spirit. Your energy levels will be very high and that will translate into […]
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Dream of Four Paws

MEANING: Dream of four paws suggests that it’s more than it seems, even though there are things you still don’t like about what you have around you. Today you will also solve a little misunderstanding that had you blocked at work. A weekend full of dreams and magical experiences awaits you. Eliminate from your life […]
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Dream of A Severed Dog Paw

MEANING: Dream of a severed dog paw means that your job is going to change and someone will probably be fired. You need to maximize your resources and make something out of seemingly nothing. You can get the promotion you want or position yourself as you deserve. You are vulnerable and sensitive to any negative […]
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