Dream of Gold Objects

MEANING: Dream of gold objects signifies that money will come into your life more easily than it has so far. Family peace will reign again after a few days of hustle and bustle and many discussions. An aspect of your life that was of great concern to you will be relocated, as if by magic. […]
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Dream of Silver Object

MEANING: Dream of silver object expresses that it will be a party of friends and will open many doors for you. Don’t expect dreams to magically materialize. There are payments or arrangements that are delayed without you being able to avoid it. If you have a partner you should control your flirting, as there is […]
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Dream of Floating Objects

MEANING: Dream of floating objects means that think hard about any decision you make today. The family will also be in a friendly and confident tone and will bring you serenity. You could suffer stomach problems from some excess. Relationships with the elderly need to be reviewed. Don’t stop going as you will have a […]
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Dream of Object Sinking

MEANING: Dream of object sinking suggests that you are in time to rectify an attitude that you have had with the couple and that has not liked much. The problem you are worried about with the family does not have, at the moment, an easy solution. Take the opportunity to say clearly what you think […]
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Dream of Vomiting Objects

MEANING: Dream of vomiting objects symbolises that your state of mind will influence how you use money today. You are a little too abrasive or harsh in your words or attitude. There are some setbacks at home that will cause you to change your plans at the last minute. Don’t give more thought to a […]
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Dream of A Heavy Object

MEANING: Dream of a heavy object means that something is in need of maintenance or that it is under maintenance. You are surrounded by people who accept you for your mistakes and flaws. It’s a day for personal intimacy, to be at ease with your closest friends. For weeks you have been meeting someone who […]
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Dream of Flying Objects

MEANING: Dream of flying objects means that there will also be good news on something related to health. You have to close projects and decide on those with which you resonate the most. During these days old family conflicts will be solved. Don’t go overboard with doing what you think is right and according to […]
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Dream of Finding Lost Object

MEANING: Dream of finding lost object indicates that an important date is approaching for you, perhaps an official exam or a job interview. At work you will have to make a decision that will be quite complicated, but finally you will get it right. You will be clearer about what your dream is and will […]
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Dream of Falling Objects

MEANING: Dream of falling objects means that it will be a day in which you will feel the passion and live the exaltation of the senses. Don’t keep fighting against those who are not ready to understand you at this moment. A project is not working out as you had wanted it to. But it […]
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