Dream of Crying Newborn

MEANING: Dream of crying newborn shows that resist the temptation to give your opinion and simply listen to him from the heart. Someone may scold or reprimand you for something you left undone that was urgent. Enter energy into your life and bring intensification of emotions and feelings. Between the two of you you will […]
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Dream of Newborns

MEANING: Dream of newborns suggests that the important thing is that you leave everything finished. Reality is not exactly as you are perceiving it. You are showing potential and promise for the future. Don’t let an unimportant issue become a world. Don’t let yourself be obsessed, listen to the arguments of others. The dream about […]
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Dream of Newborn Child

MEANING: Dream of newborn child means that in the domestic environment you could suffer a very small mishap. You have an important appointment or a job interview. You exert your power only when it is necessary. On the one hand, you will recover the energy that characterizes you. A smile costs very little and will […]
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Dream of Newborn Mice

MEANING: Dream of newborn mice signifies that surprises come to you through gifts and money not earned by you. The best thing is that today you do not express anything of what you think in front of anybody. You should pay more attention to your body and deprive yourself of bad habits that weaken your […]
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Dream of Newborn Sibling

MEANING: Dream of newborn sibling suggests that it is not in your hands to recover what one day there was and you must accept things as they are. Modify your environment by putting all the interest in making your life easier. A little solitude or a long walk where nothing and nobody bothers you. You […]
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Dream of Baby Girl Newborn

MEANING: Dream of baby girl newborn suggests that your ideas or beliefs are being suppressed. You won’t have to fight or compete for improvements in your job or profession. Don’t dream, be a little more realistic and express your wishes or plans out loud. You will feel a sting of pain for a loss you […]
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