Dream of Eating Mud

MEANING: Dream of eating mud expresses that you should not fear anything in health issues because it starts to improve dramatically. You will have to work hard, of course, but it will certainly be satisfying for you. If you are tempted to return to someone from your past, reflect on why things ended so badly. […]
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Dream of Washing Off Mud

MEANING: Dream of washing off mud shows that you will get a positive response to an issue you were waiting for a long time in the economic. You are longing for a better or happier place. Probably the differences with a person in your circle will become more evident today than ever. They will consult […]
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Dream of Mud Rain

MEANING: Dream of mud rain expresses that you need to work harder or be more effective at work. Perhaps you are refusing to see the truth. You are trying to present the ugly truth in a way that is easier to accept. Listen to the group for once, even if the plan chosen is not […]
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Dream of Mud Footprints

MEANING: Dream of mud footprints signifies that you start a period where you need to broaden your culture and learn something new. Someone will test your creativity at work and you will succeed. You and your partner will have an argument that could end in an unpleasant way. Your stomach may suffer if you eat […]
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Dream of Mud At Night

MEANING: Dream of mud at night symbolises that you miss being in a relationship and to feel wanted. Optimism will be the predominant note of the day. You will live today an experience that will mark you positively for your future days. Your intuition will now guide you on the right path. Time to take […]
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Dream of Mud In Hand

MEANING: Dream of mud in hand suggests that the masks of those who claimed to be your best friends fall off. Distance is causing you to see everything darker, when reality is not. You are literally going back and forth between two choices. You are going through a delicate moment in a certain sense, but, […]
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Dream of Mud Soil

MEANING: Dream of mud soil indicates that you can manage your accounts better, taking into account costs and results. Thus you will get away from a mental stress that is not convenient for you. Try not to rush or the rest of the week will be spent making amends. Your friends will be a talisman […]
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Dream of Cleaning Mud

MEANING: Dream of cleaning mud indicates that you may be in search for a solid foundation or a firmer ground in your life. Try to listen to both of them so you don’t get a very unpleasant surprise. You have frequent arguments with your partner. Disorder will not help you to lead a pleasant and […]
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Dream of Sliding In Mud

MEANING: Dream of sliding in mud indicates that there is someone in your family who requires, now more than ever, your attention and love. Certain aspects of yourself have been ignored or neglected. You have to watch a certain inclination to know the most intimate of some person. You need to put more effort on […]
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Dream of Black Mud

MEANING: Dream of black mud means that you are wondering how your life would be had you made different choices. Try to get more exercise since you are leading a rather sedentary life lately. You will be given some very good job-related news that will somehow change your reality. You are subconsciously trying to hold […]
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