Dream of Newborn Mice

MEANING: Dream of newborn mice signifies that surprises come to you through gifts and money not earned by you. The best thing is that today you do not express anything of what you think in front of anybody. You should pay more attention to your body and deprive yourself of bad habits that weaken your […]
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Dream of Purple Mouse

MEANING: Dream of purple mouse shows that that misunderstanding you’ve been dragging around with your partner for days will be solved. Don’t try to restrict their freedom because today they won’t listen to you and that can put you in a bad mood. You are going through a good time personally. You value money and […]
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Dream of Large Mouse

MEANING: Dream of large mouse symbolises that in finance you will have to settle accounts to have some control. Use your intellect and creativity in your work and you won’t regret it. Don’t be dazzled by the first thing you see. You need to unleash your stored potential and quit keeping it hidden. You are […]
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Dream of Trapping Mice

MEANING: Dream of trapping mice expresses that you will be very focused on yourself, you will want to be isolated and keep your feelings to yourself. You need to pay close attention to your health. You have to reconnect with your true desires and the things you love most. You need to start thinking things […]
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Dream of Helping A Mice

MEANING: Dream of helping a mice means that you will want to get involved in social activities where you will be the center of attention. You have to ask yourself what you give and what you get in return in your personal relationships. Your economic perspective is well protected. The family continues to occupy you […]
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Dream of Mice And Rabbit

MEANING: Dream of mice and rabbit shows that carefully analyze any strange situation that may arise during the day. You will receive pleasant news regarding income. You are undergoing some difficulty in your life. You need to spend time in solitude to clarify certain issues with yourself. By chance, you access information about a person […]
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Dream of Mice In Mouth

MEANING: Dream of mice in mouth signifies that you have to give time to the time and conquer that person with optimism. Put aside all the negative things that are making your life less meaningful. You are living a fabulous moment and that doesn’t have to change. You will find an original solution to a […]
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Dream of Mice Nibbling

MEANING: Dream of mice nibbling indicates that propose to flow with the present moment, and let nothing and no one limit you. Personal concerns may affect your job performance. Be a little tactful if you have to give unpleasant news. You will be open to listen to him, to try to understand him and to […]
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