Dream of Mother And Father

MEANING: Dream of mother and father symbolises that you are physically or emotionally disconnected from those around you. You should not take things for granted, especially if they seem to come easily. Someone is going to introduce you to a person who may be important in the future. Sometimes you need to take a break […]
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Dream of Mother And Baby

MEANING: Dream of mother and baby suggests that if something you have fought for does not materialize, do not suffer. You don’t wonder so much about everything that has happened in your life and live more the present. You are going to enter into a rivalry with a colleague from work. You are feeling powerless […]
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Dream of Blind Mother

MEANING: Dream of blind mother signifies that your accounts will be settled, and you won’t have to struggle again for a long time. Avoid jealousy and possessive attitudes as they will get you nowhere. You are experiencing some issues with guilt. Going out with friends will be the antidote needed today to release negative emotions. […]
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Dream of Mother Having A Baby

MEANING: Dream of mother having a baby means that you need to be on guard or alert about a situation. Today you will be a social animal and will need to interact with other people. Today you should be aware of any papers or bills you have to sign. Beware of giving advice because they […]
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Dream of Mother Happy

MEANING: Dream of mother happy signifies that these meetings will stimulate your intellectual curiosity. It won’t be anything serious, but you could give it more importance than it really has. You can even receive a surprise gift or a detail that will make you feel happy. A good friend will help you regain your self-confidence. […]
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Dream of Mother Missing

MEANING: Dream of mother missing expresses that this is something different from everything you’ve done so far. The predominant note of the day will be your positive mood. You will discover valuable information on the internet or in a book that you should read first. You need to be more open and receptive to others’ […]
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Dream of Mother Getting Married

MEANING: Dream of mother getting married means that you may be taken for a ride or being manipulated in some situation. Speak, don’t fight, don’t argue even if you are right. You need to charge forward toward your goals. Forgive from the heart all the evil that has been done to you freely and heal […]
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Dream of Mother Giving Money

MEANING: Dream of mother giving money symbolises that you are in the middle of a fight, but you will have to look for allies if you want to be right and win. You’ll be wrong with your comments and without meaning to, you could hurt someone. You need to rid yourself of past emotions and […]
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