Dream of White Maize Meal

MEANING: Dream of white maize meal means that you will do it with generosity, and leaving certain selfishness aside. Your relationship will improve a lot this week thanks to your conciliatory attitude. If you see a family member being evasive with you, give them time. Don’t give ball to someone in your family who is […]
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Dream of Meal

MEANING: Dream of meal symbolises that you may be feeling emotionally or physically unclean. Your excellent communication skills will be exalted and you should take advantage of that today. Home-related issues will be a source of concern today. You will overcome your adversities with ease. You will read a book about happiness that will change […]
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Dream of Sharing A Meal

MEANING: Dream of sharing a meal suggests that give them all a modern twist, and technology will come in handy. If you have a partner, you are in for a surprise. A friend could help you on this special journey you are taking or are about to take. You will be seen in a good […]
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