Dream of Luggage Bag

MEANING: Dream of luggage bag shows that don’t get depressed or think you won’t be able to do it if something happens. Maybe it’s time to slow down a bit and start pampering your body. Don’t take refuge in food, find healthy outlets to relieve your daily pressures. You need to take time off for […]
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Dream of Too Much Luggage

MEANING: Dream of too much luggage expresses that don’t be excessive or fanciful when choosing. Affection is increasing and they will feel very sheltered and loved at all times. You may have a gentle facade, but you are still rugged on the inside. You literally feel that you are carrying the weight of others. Do […]
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Dream of Luggage Being Stolen

MEANING: Dream of luggage being stolen shows that don’t mind apologizing, they will understand your position. If you have a test or a job interview, you should not be arrogant, but you should be forceful. Without anyone being able to remedy it, an event will occur that will make you explode. With small changes, you […]
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Dream of Finding Luggage

MEANING: Dream of finding luggage signifies that you are in a good position to demand what you think you deserve. You are confused or unclear about where you are headed in life. That call or whatsupp need not put you in a bad mood or influence you negatively. Order and sense of direction return again. […]
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Dream of Luggage Lost

MEANING: Dream of luggage lost symbolises that you feel that you are deserving of some sort of gift of prize. A little solitude or a long walk where nothing and nobody bothers you. You are not malicious and that will come in handy today in a somewhat tense work situation. Love will be a matter […]
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Dream of Blue Luggage

MEANING: Dream of blue luggage means that everything you do, do it with energy and determination. If you have a partner, you are in for a surprise. You will work tirelessly, but enjoy what life has to offer. You need to be more independent and tend to your own needs. You will go on a […]
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Dream of Heavy Luggage

MEANING: Dream of heavy luggage suggests that money will be well invested if it is something that fills your soul. Perhaps it is the possibility of taking a trip or embarking on an exciting adventure. At work you will speak clearly and have positive responses. You are moving too quickly and aggressively in some area […]
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Dream of Carrying Heavy Luggage

MEANING: Dream of carrying heavy luggage signifies that your emotional slumps are related to lack of sleep. You will relate perfectly to unknown people. You will be positive and dialoguing with your partner or with those closest to you. Maybe you feel so tired during the day because you don’t sleep well, even though you […]
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Dream of Large Luggage

MEANING: Dream of large luggage suggests that you don’t have to force things, just let yourself go to widen your circle of friends. You must allow yourself to live to the fullest what you are living. You are unsatisfied with aspects of your life. Oxygen will give you a plus of energy and well-being and […]
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