Dream of A Lost Loved One

MEANING: Dream of a lost loved one means that the relationship you want is about to arrive, but you must be aware of the signs. Take this opportunity to gather information on an issue of concern to you. You are somewhat slow today in everything, including reactions to your partner’s words or desires. There is […]
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Dream of A Loved One Being Shot

MEANING: Dream of a loved one being shot signifies that after a stressful week, you will need time to dedicate to yourself. You may be living a life of excess and overindulging in certain things. An unexpected gift or surprise will come to you not so casually. You will feel attractive and want others to […]
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Dream of Being Made Love To

MEANING: Dream of being made love to indicates that you have gained the approval of those around you. Temperature changes do not suit you at all. The emptiness you will probably feel today at some point in the day will have to do with this. Take advantage of today to give a good push to […]
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Dream of Feeling Loved

MEANING: Dream of feeling loved signifies that in a night celebration you could meet someone special, at least quite interesting. You may receive a lesson in humility today and nothing will go wrong. You are not sure about how to express yourself and how to voice your beliefs. You will have the ability to direct […]
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Dream of Loved One Getting Shot

MEANING: Dream of loved one getting shot shows that the sense of union is reborn in you, whether with your partner, children or friends. The temptation to skip the physical exercise you had set out to do today will be very present. If you choose generosity you will receive much more than you give in […]
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Dream of Love Telenovela

MEANING: Dream of love telenovela symbolises that you tend to hold on and cling on to your emotions instead of expressing and releasing them. You will see a movie at home or at the cinema that will mark you in some way. You are wrong to question whether what you receive from others corresponds to […]
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Dream of Someone Confessing Love

MEANING: Dream of someone confessing love shows that today you will feel a great discomfort that will make you question some of your habits. Trying to beat some record is not what will suit you best on this day. It would be good for you to try to manage the stress you are feeling lately […]
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Dream of Love Dandelion Hands

MEANING: Dream of love dandelion hands suggests that you need to redirect your energy in a more positive manner. Further planning and anticipation of events is recommended. You will feel at peace with yourself after taking a step that you intimately knew you had to take. You are likely to have an important work-related meeting. […]
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Dream of Love Die

MEANING: Dream of love die symbolises that your personality seems to be divided between contradictory qualities and tendencies. You cannot judge her for a mistake that could have been made by anyone else. That’s not fair and now your conscience is going to remind you in a very clear and insistent way. You need to […]
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Dream of Girlfriend Love

MEANING: Dream of girlfriend love expresses that assert yourself and don’t be driven by anyone, as they may try to manipulate you emotionally. This may seem difficult or hard to you, but it is the way to solve it. Today will be your most seductive day of the week. Go to the doctor as soon […]
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