Dream of Losing Pet Dog

MEANING: Dream of losing pet dog signifies that you will overcome some loss or conflict. You have to be brave and express your own feelings to the person next to you. Sometimes you think your bosses are not recognizing your work, but that is not necessarily so. You find yourself living a moment of fulfillment. […]
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Dream of Losing Necklace

MEANING: Dream of losing necklace expresses that you cannot continue in the monotony, seeing the days pass with certain reluctance and boredom. You will overcome hardships and misfortune. Dedicate the day to relax, to not think about those matters that keep on going around in your head. In the work you will start a period […]
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Dream of Losing Ring Finger

MEANING: Dream of losing ring finger expresses that something or someone is jeopardizing your self-esteem and emotional well-being. At last the effort of the last few months is bearing fruit. If you feel overwhelmed at any time, take it out on a friend you care about. Reflect on the words someone with power or a […]
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Dream of Losing Respect

MEANING: Dream of losing respect means that you will take some work events too much to heart. So you will be in high spirits and feel wonderfully well. Going to the doctor for a minor illness will mark your day, but you should not put it off. If the subject you speak of displeases you, […]
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Dream of Losing Underwear

MEANING: Dream of losing underwear shows that today you will also solve a little misunderstanding that had you blocked at work. There is an emotional situation or problem that you can no longer avoid. You feel ready to take charge of your life, but perhaps you are afraid. You admire or look up to the […]
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Dream of Handphone Lost

MEANING: Dream of handphone lost shows that it’s better to stay out of it, but do it quietly. You are detached from your surroundings. You are a good friend and usually people appreciate you. Don’t listen to people who are not nice to you. Try not to lose your cool on money matters. In your […]
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Dream of Lost Wallet

MEANING: Dream of lost wallet indicates that the time is right to take a vacation. You need to approach and tackle a problem in your life. If you sell it to someone, try to be very confident. You are not paying enough attention to what someone is trying to tell you. Perhaps you are keeping […]
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Dream of Lost Luggage

MEANING: Dream of lost luggage means that today you will feel full of vitality and energy and will want to commit yourself. Thou shalt not go into the rag, and see how things return to their course. If you finish your vacation, don’t take it as a tragedy. May be there someone who is interested […]
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Dream of Getting Lose Weight

MEANING: Dream of getting lose weight shows that you’ve been dating for a long time, but you’ve never thought about being too serious. Change the chip and think that your intentions are much more noble, be consistent with them. Your social world is enriched with beings of great inspiration. It will be a very good […]
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